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Lavender buds from Atlantic Spice...


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I need to make some lavender sachets, and I was looking at Atlantic Spice for the lavender. They have several grades of lavender...#1, #2, and Ultra.

Has anyone bought any of these and which one do you find is the best to use for sachets? I figured out that my wholesale price would be .65 for each 1/4 cup of lavender in a organza bag (using grade #2). Does that seem right, seems like a low price, but I figure I can make them for .25 to .30 per bag. My other thought is that some places sell the lavender for 23.00 a pound and Atlantic Spice is only something like 12.00 a lb. for the best (ultra). Any thoughts on this? Just wondering if the 12.00 a lb. lavender from Atlantic Spice is as good as someone else selling theirs for 23.00 lb. TIA

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I read on another supplier's website that they offer different grades of materials, and that in most cases you should let price be your guide to quality. I think that holds true when your comparing similar items from the same source, but it isn't necessarily always true when it comes to comparing supplier against supplier.

FNWL has what looks like the same thing for $34 per lb. I've shopped from them enough to know that their prices are just whack. There's no reason for them to be so high except that either they just don't buy enough to get volume discounts, or they think that charging high prices will give customers the impression that their products are premium.

Unless someone has something negative to say about Atlantic Spice I would go with them. If you like what you buy you should feel happy knowing you did your research and it paid off.

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Sockmonkey, everything you said is exactly what I've been thinking myself. I think just to be on the safe side, since I need to get these sachets done soon and want them to have a really nice scent and appearance is to order 5 lbs of #1, and 5 lbs. of # 2 and mix them together, that way I'll have a chance to see the difference, and I won't have this nagging feeling that if I had bought the more expensive grade I would have had a better sachet :rolleyes2

I did call Atlantic Spice and they did tell me that the Ultra is for culinary purpose, and it doesn't even smell as good, so that eliminated that one.

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I recently purchased both #1 and #2 lavender buds from them. The #1 looks a lot better, has only tight, fragrant buds, while the #2 has buds, leaves and stems. The #1 smells like lavender, while the #2 has a touch of woody smell added. If the buds will be visible in the final prduct, then I would go with #1.


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I don't know why things have to be so complicated :grin2: .

Camay, soon as I read your post I called to have my order changed. I did order 5 lbs of #1 and #2 and just planned to mix them together. I told the guy what you suggested and he was really confused. He proceeded to try to teach me about Lavender, and told me usually the Lavender that they sell for sachets is the number 2 lavender. He said that the longer the lavender is on the stem and growing, the stronger the scent, but it will lose some of it's color, that's why the #2 is stronger but not as colorful. He was very surprised at what you had said, but also said that just like anything that grows, one crop can be totally different from another............oh my, don't I know that from working with soy wax :angry2:

So he talked me into keeping my order the same, and that way I can see for myself which I think is best. It did make me feel good that he actually didn't try to sell me 10 lbs. of #1 which would be more money for them. I always like that type of customer service. But I do thank you for your suggestion, it helped me learn a little more about Lavender and they way they grade it. And by next week I will be able to see for myself which I think will work best in the sachets.

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To me, it doesn't sound like I said anything different from what he said.

The #1 looks nicer. It is only buds that are a lovely color. It smells like lavender. If the buds are visible in the final product, I would go with #1.

The #2 is more faded in color, kind of has a more yellow-ish tint to it. It has stems and leaves in it, not a lot, just a noticable difference from #1. The #2 has a richer scent, not more lavender-y, but just a deeper scent of herb.

If your sachets are muslin so you can't see the buds, then #2 is fine. I hope they don't think I was slamming the #2, it is quite nice. I was just trying to point out the differences between the two.

I have purchased from SF Herb/Atlantic Spice for 15 years, and have always been satisfied with their quality, service, and price (great prices!).

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Oh Camay, I don't think you were slamming them at all. I just read your statement to him and he was confused I think about the woodsy smell. He did admit it had more of a pine smell (sounds like woody to me), but I didn't say your name or tell him about this board. I guess I was more after a true lavender scent, not a woody (or Pine) scent, and that's why I was going to change my order to all #1. But if you think it's just a richer scent then I may really like it, I just kept thinking woodsy scent, and that didn't set with me right I guess. I think I'll be happy doing it this way, a mix of both, and if I find I really think one is better than the other then the next time I'll order only that one.

I also have ordered from them before (not lavender) and never had a problem, I do think they are great people to work with, and you're right, their prices can't be beat. Sorry if I read something into your post that wasn't there, I just wanted to make a good sachet, and didn't want a woody scent, I was after a nice fresh lavender scent. I do apologize if I offended you by telling him what you had said. Since I didn't mention any names I didn't think it would matter. In this business I think we each have to decide what is best for us, I only asked about the 2 grades of lavender to get an idea from those who had tried both of them, which had the best scent and color. In the end I will decide for myself, but you're post helped me learn about the difference between #1 and #2. Thanks again.

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Oh no, not offended at all! I hope you get what you are looking for. I learned something about lavender too from this thread. When you get your order, please let me know what you think. Everyone's nose is different and maybe you will like the #2 over the #1.

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