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I've made my first hurricane...and it was great!! So the picture was a little lopsided, the top of the 'cane was skew wiffed...but it was MAGNIFICENT!

I started using a tupperware square container (it stuck, couoldnt get it out, couldn't cool the wax for the pictures to adhere....so, I chanaged to a 4" square mold...GREAT!

Where can I get large square molds from?

I've tried moldman, onestopcandle...Ebay. I'm wanting maybe 7" x 7

Also, what do you guys suggest looks better.....a mould where the diameter is the same as the height???

Also...can I get inserts that are close enough to help when wanting photos in the 'cane, or do I need to stick with adhering them to the side by cooling the outside of the mold?




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