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Finally at ease.......somewhat

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The guy who took our money for furniture and never paid for our product has been arrested due to numerous complaints with the mall (who locked him out) and others like me. A detective said they are looking at a felony class 3 and that was before speaking to us. While we were removing our products yesterday, the detective came in with a search and seize. Everything in there is now property of the state. We verified his address (second person to do so) and it wasn't five minutes he said I got to go. He left and w/in an hour PD picked the guy up.

Just so happens though that my dumb sister in law went out to their house right after Tony was arrested and so the wife blames her, my hubby and me for getting Tony arrested. She ended up beating up on my sister in law and felony assault retaliation charges have been filed. Someone came while she was making the report to try to bail him out and the cop spoke to the guy cus my sister in law said that was the guy that blocked her exit. They guy said he didn't see anything so the cop said if I find out different or you say different in the future, you will be arrested for impeding and investigation and lying to me cus I am going to arrest Stacie as soon as I get a warrant. Well, now we think Stacie may be on the run (the wife). She blames my family for all this when he did it to himself and it caught up w/him. So, I rest easy knowing they are going to go for restitution for me on both cases and that he won't do it to anyone else but I don't because she is CRAZY everyone says she is CRAZY. I'm glad she doesn't know where I live but all it takes is a phone book. NO telling what is next. At least he can't do this to someone else and when figuring up my losses from what he paid me, product I received when I repoed it, etc, I'm only out 25.00 before late fees. If you add late fees (which he in a contract agreed to pay and will be put on his restitution) then it's almost 1300 not including the full amount we paid on our furniture.

We have both a criminal and civil case here but why file a civil if you know he's going to prison for a 20 year minimum.

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We have both a criminal and civil case here but why file a civil if you know he's going to prison for a 20 year minimum.

Okay so i'm a bit vendictive, but i'd file the civil as well...From what you've said it soulds like he hung himself, and by doing both cases he's getting the full weight he deserves.

I am glad to hear that everything is hopefully going to settled down.

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It would cost me attorney fees to file and then I'd get a judgment against someone who is in prison. How are you going to get blood out of a turnip. I have up to 2 years to file so I'm going to keep copies of everything the detective takes for his criminal case including contracts and receipts, etc. Right now I'm just glad he's where he needs to be and I just hope his woman gets time too cus she was just as in on it as he was except her name wasn't on any of the documents. She's CRAZY though and after things settle, then I may go file but for right now I just don't trust her any farther than I can spit.

Yes though, I'm with you on feeling he needs the full wt of what he did. Just can't do the civil right now cus the attorney fees need to be paid upfront now unstead of added to his case. I may never see my money but at least he won't hurt anyone if he's behind bars. I was fortunate and struggled and thanks to my bank letting me get a loan to get by after his hot check he wrote me, I pulled through. Not everyone can be as fortunate. Still though, I had to take a loan out and have to pay on it.

Hate is a VERY strong word, but I HATE this man!!!!!!!!! I don't say that often but he is just scum. :mad:

But, I have 2 years to file the civil and after the criminal has died down and lol we know where he is, etc and he's not going to run then I'll file the civil. LOL hit him when he's down. Is that wrong?

And about the 20 years........that was an estimate based on info that had yesterday. They keep adding more each day and so no telling how high the total will go for year and money wise. He has a prior record so he's hung himself on this one. He's proven he doesn't have "good behavior" in the real world.

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But, I have 2 years to file the civil and after the criminal has died down and lol we know where he is, etc and he's not going to run then I'll file the civil. LOL hit him when he's down. Is that wrong?

Revenge sometimes is a dish best served cold :yay:

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