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looking for wholesale as in wholesale fo for reselling


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does anyone know where these fo suppliers get their fo to resell? i have been wondering this because it seems there are many simliar as if they buy from the same distributor. is it out of india? china? usa?

it's hard to search "wholesale fragrance oil" cause eveyone claims to offer wholesale.

just wonding if anyone knew the answer to this.

thanks very much in advance!!!!!

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I have researched this also. If for example I was looking for the manufacuter of a Peaks oil, I dont know where I would find that name. Your right to try and do a search is hard because as you said everyone claims that they are wholesale. I hope you get some more answers.


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It is very hard to locate manufacturers and if you want quality, you must purchase US manufactured oils and not those from over seas. This is why people from other countries order their fragrances from here and pay the higher shipping costs.

With any of the manufacturers here you will have a minumum drum size per scent, some have that set at 25 lbs and others at 35 lbs. They can manufacture to the price range you specify, but if you want quality and the ability for it to throw in soy, you will have to stick to the $8 and up price range per pound. I found this out personnaly by testing the same scents in the 8 to 9 dollar per pound vs the 6-7 dollar per pound and it was night and day - great throw in soy vs no throw in soy!!! Some of the manufacturers will even tell you this so that you don't bother testing. Now those prices will drop by $1 per pound if you order in the 100 # drum size, but only the big suppliers can afford do that. The big suppliers buy in such volume that they get the best prices available. Just don't assume like I did, that you can get these for next to nothing from a manufacturer because you can't. The manufacturers command a good $$ for their fragrances!!

Hopefully that gives you a little more insight.


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Just because an oil has a similar or same name or even a similar or same description, don't assume it's from the same manufacturer.

No supplier is going to tell you where their oils come from, or even give you a hint, however tiny, as to their formula and the cost involved. Two suppliers might carry the same name with the same description but the formulas be different. It's their business and really nobody else's. Trade secrets, doncha know.

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i really got to thinking of this really out of curiousity due to seeing some on ebay like monkey farts. i mean do the people who make and sell monkey fart all make their own and like calling it monkey farts. i know the woman on ebay doesn't make her own but does sell it so cheap. maybe she makes it but i believe her "me" said she was a secretary or something. i am not trying to do the same. i buy from her and about 5 others. i was just super curious. if she doesn't make it but buys it and resells it for 10.5 per 16 oz. how much does she get it for? must be a fair price and it is great fo. i mean those who sell wholesale here and don't get the fo at a "true" wholesale price. wouldn't you like to? anything to cut costs. i have a rep that wants to carry my line but asks 20%. well if i could save on the fo i wouldn't mind paying him 20%. i am sure the minumums are large but you never know if things can work out or not until you try. lets face it gas going up means less money to spend, i'd love to make my product cheaper anyhow to help those who have to pinch their pennies but still want a good candle or b&b for a great price.

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I own my own business. I have a beauty salon here in town and I sell my candles. I have a lot of request for just the oil, and I too looked for a real wholesale supplier. I couldn't find one either. I can't afford to sell my frag oils, I'm practically paying a retail price myself. If I tried to make any money the oils would be too high for anyone to purchase from me.

I have the in's in buying beautysupplies at wholesale prices, but when it comes to fo's, I'm lost. I was prepared to buy in bulk, but just never found the right place.

Anyone find out anything more, let us know.

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I think the thing is that many places buy concentrated oils and dillute them and then we buy them. You'd need to find somewhere that sells undilluted oils, then if you can expiment a bit, you can dillute to your satisfaction. I'm convinced this is how it's done. It has to be.

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