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Mill Creek pillar/votive wax - has anyone used this?

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I'm about to test other waxes, and came across this one. The MC site says it's a blend of palm and coconut waxes. Has anyone used this for pillars, votives, and/or tarts? If you have tried it, how did it perform for you?

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Bumping my own topic - I went ahead and bought ten pounds of it to try. I've got a batch cooling right now, and we'll see how they turn out! I made them up in a scent a customer ordered, and unfortunately it makes my teeth itch, so testing will not be much fun. LOL

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Donna, I haven't made any votives with it yet, but the tarts turned out beautifully. Not a crack in sight, and they came out of the molds with just a gentle squeeze. :yay: Cold throw is good (I'll have to make something else soon, because the smell of this batch is not agreeing with me at all :lipsrseal ), but I haven't tested hot throw yet. I'll wait to do that with a batch I like the smell of. :grin2: But so far, so good! I guess I'll have to make a batch of the star-shaped tarts to really know how it does. If this wax cracks in that shape, I'm done with them.

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I've made a couple of pillars with this wax (also ordered 10 lbs to play with some time back). It's definitely a two-pour and it takes a few days to cure. The burn on both pillars was excellent and both were very creamy looking. The wax held the scent all the way down. The wax burns slower than paraffin and the 105 HTP wick worked perfectly in both. The only downside to the wax (to me anyway) is the cost. I haven't made any votives with it yet but I bet they'll be very pretty. The wax holds color exceptionally well too.

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I made a batch of the star-shaped tarts last night - no cracks, no crazing, no breaking, and they came out of the molds with just a little squeeze to release! :yay: Of course they were perfect - this is the most expensive natural wax I've found, so the way my luck runs, it was guaranteed to work like a charm. :laugh2:

I didn't need a second pour with tarts - haven't tried votives yet, that's on the list after I get pending orders filled. We'll see if a second pour is needed for those. This wax takes time to set up, though. I can't crank out a batch in a hurry like I could with V-1, can't pour, let set for a couple of hours, pop 'em out, clean the molds and go again. With this wax, I pour them, let them sit overnight, and then and only then will they be ready to come out of the molds. Before that, they aren't budging. (Which is good, I guess - at least I haven't ruined any by trying to get them out too soon and having them crack on me.)

I may save this wax for things that have been difficult to pour, like the star tarts, and stick to Ecosoya for other shapes and the tiny twinkles, as it works fine for those. Maybe I can save a little money that way! But so far, I love this wax, and plan to keep on working with it.

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I am glad this is working for you.

MC wax didn't work for me and needs a significant cure, IMO.

I like KY Soy Pillar/Votive wax much better.

Geesh...way to give bad news :P LOL! It is a expensive wax imo. You see how much a case is?! lol

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I am glad this is working for you.

MC wax didn't work for me and needs a significant cure, IMO.

I like KY Soy Pillar/Votive wax much better.

If something happens and the Mill Creek stops working for me, then I'll have an idea of which one to try next! :grin2: Seems like from all I've read on this board that when it comes to what wax works, what wick works, what scent works, one man's trash is another man's treasure. All we can do is share our experiences, test like crazy, and go from there.

And if I read/calculated right, a case of the KY pillar/votive (50 pounds x $1.28/pound = $64.00) is actually less expensive than a case of the MC ($74.75/55 pounds = $1.36/pound).

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