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EV vs. Pomace


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I've used refined olive oil and olive pomace oil, and I've never been able to tell any difference in soaps made with one or the other. Some people report that pomace oil makes their soap trace faster, but I've not had that happen with the eight or so brands I've used over the years.

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I don't know about in a blend, but if I use pomace in castile (the pomace from Columbus Foods) my soap has a taupe tinge to it. I don't use EVOO either though, I use regular OO.

Oh, but the CF pomace does speed trace significantly, even in a blend. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, but be ready.

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  • 2 months later...

I tried pomace for the first time yesterday and I know what you mean about speeding up the trace!! Literally by the time I had poured the first layer and turned to weigh out my water for the second the first was solid. Normally I wait about half an hour before starting the second layer so this sped things up considerably. I was actually going to do a swirl too on top but it was the same with the second layer and I had to abandon the top swirl. Very different from regular olive, thats forsure. And it was solid and easy to unmold within 12 hours. That was the good part about it!

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I used only CF Pomace OO and I've not had a problem whith it trace overly fast. In one recipe, I used it was 1/2 the oils and I had lots of time with a stick blender; 15 minutes or so before I got it to a medium trace. But I've also not used regular or EV OO yet.


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So, you don't notice a difference between OO and the pomace? I just have this aversion to using the pomace because it's basically the dregs of the olive leftover after it's oil has been expressed twice already, and then they have to use solvents to get the rest (the pomace) out of the olive.

It just doesn't seem like it would be as good, ya know? But, the price is waaaaaay cheaper, so if it acts the same, feels the same, or whatever, then I may just go for it and get it.

Been thinking about it for a while now, but just never thought to ask about it-I guess I didn't realize how many people actually use the pomace.

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So, you don't notice a difference between OO and the pomace? I just have this aversion to using the pomace because it's basically the dregs of the olive leftover after it's oil has been expressed twice already, and then they have to use solvents to get the rest (the pomace) out of the olive.

It just doesn't seem like it would be as good, ya know? But, the price is waaaaaay cheaper, so if it acts the same, feels the same, or whatever, then I may just go for it and get it.

Been thinking about it for a while now, but just never thought to ask about it-I guess I didn't realize how many people actually use the pomace.

Michi, I can certainly see why you would hesitate with the Pomace OO if this were going into a stay on B&B product or even a scrub of some sort. I would just try a gallon of Pomace against your regular OO soaps and see if YOU feel a differance. Only you and your customers will know and only you can judge for your own needs!

As I said above, I've only used Pomace so I don't know if there would be a differance. But I tried out the bar that was 1/2 pomace and it felt GREAT to my skin in the shower this morning.


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I do not use OP in my castile soaps (except one time to experiment) or my B&B recipes. I only use it in my regular soap recipe and quite honestly, I was not able to tell any difference once I changed over to it due to its $$. The time I used it in a castile soap, I did not notice much if any difference either. But because of the lower grade of this oil, I perfer not to use in castile soaps or B&B.

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