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Question that's been boggling me, and just have to ask. Wax weight question.

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OK, I'm sitting here and the house is totally quite and I am like itching to make more test candles. Sitting here trying to calculate and keep looking at notes and constantly wonder about something. It's going to sound silly I'm sure, but here it goes.

If 1 pound of flaked wax equals 20 oz's melted, when you figure out your %'s for anything added, do you do that based on the liquid the 1 pound turns into, or based on the flakes that weigh a pound?

Like my 6% FO would be for 1 pound of flakes right? Or wrong? LOL

I've been assuming it doesn't matter because either way it weighs a pound, but it's something I find myself wanting to ask to make sure.

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Vio, Using the search feature (hit the search on the blue bar) in the white box I typed in weighing wax. Many threads came up but this has a good debate and explanations. This is the last page (page 3) containing the clear conclusion: www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60803&page=3&highlight=weighing+wax

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Thank you Judy. I've got tons of notes from here on and off comp, and bookmarks as well, but the thing I was confused on, I wasn't sure was actually about weight. I wondered if it was about ounces as well, even though I knew everything had to be weighed. The candle I'd already made, I just did as notes told and I've learned, and did it all by weight, except for the usa, which is easier to understand by measure from what I've read. So was wondering if maybe some similar type of thing applied to the wax as well possibly since it changed in volume after melted. Just thinking too much I guess.

I think my head's still just a tad foggy after being sick and the holidays. I really wanted to try and make some candles last night, but once I thought about it, I decided to go to bed instead. Still just too out of it to actually do it right now, but itching to do it. If my head was doubting what I thought I already knew last night, I think it was a sign not to do it until my head is unfogged. LOL ;)

recovering from the flu and pneumonia and still not feeling 100% yet, but itching to make some candles

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I've got tons of notes from here on and off comp, and bookmarks as well, but the thing I was confused on, I wasn't sure was actually about weight. I wondered if it was about ounces as well, even though I knew everything had to be weighed. The candle I'd already made, I just did as notes told and I've learned, and did it all by weight, except for the usa, which is easier to understand by measure from what I've read. So was wondering if maybe some similar type of thing applied to the wax as well possibly since it changed in volume after melted. Just thinking too much I guess.

Do everything you can by weight (even the USA), within the capabilities of your scale. Things you can't weigh accurately you have to measure in some other way (at least until you get a more sensitive scale).

In the English system (which even the English don't use much anymore), we use the same word for two different things. An ounce is a fraction of a pound, but unfortunately it's also a fraction of a quart or gallon. One is weight and the other is how much space liquid takes up in a container like a milk carton or a measuring cup. That obviously can be confusing.

In the metric system there are two completely different unit names for measures of weight vs. amounts of liquid. Grams versus liters -- no ambiguity.

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Sorry you're not feeling well Vio, I can totally relate! I think the entire month of December just wore me out! I, too, have been making and testing candles and the holiday season put me on hold. I've bought some USA and haven't even tried a candle out with it yet! I think I need a month to recover from this month! Hope you get to feelin' better soon.

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Thank you Arlene, Top, and Jeni. I feel waaaaay better now, but still have some congestion and have to still take some meds so I think it makes me a little loopy and more confused sometimes. I so want to make more candles, but I think it's best to wait till I can think more clearly. Have the house back to normal and much more energy but still, the head isn't quite clear yet. Darned pneumonia on top of the holidays, plus son was sick as well, kids on vaca from school, just did a number on me. :)

Top, I hate to admit it, but even though I can use measuring cups and remember there's 16 oz in a pound, my whole life, that's about all I can remember for some reason. I'm just not good with that stuff. I manage to remember there's 4 quarts in a gallon too, but only by remembering the size of a quart container of milk! LOL And that 4 of them makes about the size of a gallon jug of milk. Never been good with percentages and decimals either, unless I'm handed the numbers to work. To figure it out, well I can't do it in my head. I can work it out on paper though, and that's why I've got many notes on what you and others have given on how to work %'s out with this stuff. I'm a whiz in just about anything else, but always do poorly in math like that and have to look back at notes. I'll get the hang of this, because it truly interests me, unlike school work used to. ;)

I have a scale that does gram weight and actually found it easier to figure out my 10 oz candle reducing everything to grams. It was the only way I could figure it out to tell you the truth, with the weight being under a pound and me not wanting to waste. I didn't weigh the usa though and just guesstimated, and next time I will try the gram method with that as well, when my mind is more clear.

Thank you for helping me get this clear though. Like I said I knew I had to be off in my thinking, but just had to ask to be sure. :)

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