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Hello to all, I love this site. Great info.

I am using Ecosoya CB advanced... I have made a few candles. Cold throw is great. All is good except the hot throw... it is barely there.

I am using c-80 wicks (peaks) in a 3.5 inch jar. It was suggested that it might be over wicked, but I don't have a large flame and the lighter (color) candle isn't melting well, the red one is melting much better... almost like it is under wicked. Can anyone give suggestions on my hot throw issue??

OH I add FO at 175 and pour at 125

Thank You

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Some fo's just won't throw in soy & everyone has a different opinion as to what works best. Personally, I never could get any Peak fo to throw well in pure soy. You didn't mention the fo's, but I'd buy a few sample packs & test away. Are you letting the candles cure long enough? Some scents take a good 2 wks to set. Isn't soy fun!?!


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Hi. Not to put Peak's cotton wicks down as I found they don't seem to mushroom as much, but eons (seems) ago, I tried them i containers and it seemed they didn't burn quite as hot as the regular 60 and 62 cottons. Trying different wicks produces different results. Maybe run a quick search on your wax and see what others using the Advanced use. As far as FOs, some do and some don't seem to work in soy. Sticky at the top helps and the classifieds are a good way to pick up FO samples and sometimes wicks from various companies. Three years and I'm still working at it, so don't give up yet. hth. Beth

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My suggestion would be to sample some CDN wicks. I don't use the same container product as you do (I use NatureWax C3) but Peak's FOs are some of my favorites! Having said that, every supplier whose FOs I have used has had some "duds," so it's certainly possible that you may have inadvertently hit on some of theirs, but I have found that Peak's FOs are pretty reliable in general. Wicking makes a great deal of difference in hot throw. Before you go changing suppliers or waxes, try some different wicks and see how that works for ya.

If you get a sample of CDNs, try a 16, an 18 and a 14. I think the 16 will be the keeper, if I were a betting woman.

HTH :)

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Thank you for the replies.... I went to a local spot today, Natures Garden and bought some HTP1212 's and wicked 2 different scents. I will test them tomorrow. I did light a vanilla mint with the original wick tonight and even though the flame is small the hot throw is pretty good. I moved it into a bathroom. When you get anywhere near the door you can really smell it. I think I have so many scents in the house that I am neutral to most. I am still not happy with the C-80 wicks but I am getting happier with the scent throw. The right wick will really blast the scent out.:P

Life is crazy busy right now but I will try to remember to post how the htp1212's worked.

Thanks again for the help.

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The amount of work that's gone into testing CBA in this forum could have been put to better use rebuilding the nation's infrastructure. If you do a search on CBA or CB-Advanced you'll find that hot throw is the pits with this wax. Even the manufacturer admits it.

No wick will blast the scent out. Every now and then you might come across a fragrance that works OK. But use a wax that throws and it will be like night and day compared to what you're getting.

You can benefit from all our wasted time. Life is short. Try a different product.

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I need a bit more help. I rewicked and burned a 3.5 inch jar using ecosoya cb advanced & htp1212. I got a perfect burn pool in 1 hour. Obviously too quickly also with serious mushrooming. I went to the candle science web site and they recommend LX26 for a 3.5 - 4 container. For a 3 - 3.5 container they recomend LX 22... can anyone explain the jump.. why not go down to a LX24?? There site is very specific to the type of wax and container size.

Any help would be appreciated:rolleyes2

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I went to the candle science web site and they recommend LX26 for a 3.5 - 4 container. For a 3 - 3.5 container they recomend LX 22... can anyone explain the jump.. why not go down to a LX24?? There site is very specific to the type of wax and container size.

That's a good question. The answer is that the recommendation isn't as specific as you think. Those two categories span 3" to 4" containers. That one inch range is huge and can span several wick sizes. It's only meant to give you a general idea of a starting point. Nobody can tell you exactly what size wick you'll need. You just have to test.

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Hi Top!

Question...I just bought 10lbs. of that stuff..can I mix it w/415? I have been testing assorted waxes and that was one of them..if it has no hot throw no sense in wasting my time and money!

TIA!! Kimmeroo

There's no reason you can't mix. You might even get less frosting. However, if you use a significant proportion of CBA you'll probably have a lot of wet spots or the wax might release from the container. It' kind of like using too much USA.

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Hello Top.... thank you for your time. In your opinion, even though you are not a fan of the wax... would you recommend one size down in wick or a few since I got a beautiful burn pool in 1hour.

Sounds like you should probably wick down until you find the right size, though it's interesting you're getting a melt pool that easily if the jar is 3.5" wide. That's one thing about CBA -- you can single wick a wider container than with most soys. Most people will use 2 wicks for containers wider than 3 inches.

The best test is when you burn the candle all the way down. It burns differently as you get down into the container. If you get a deep melt pool (more than say 1/2 inch), hot jar (very uncomfortable to touch), or soot (puffs of smoke or black on the glass) then you'll know for sure the wick is too large.

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