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When your CP soap does not turn out...

Dana Mae

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I have had a few batches like that...the soap is good but just looked too bad to sell. I make Sudsy Sacks. I shred the soap then sew it into a wash cloth. They sell like crazy at my home shows.

I dont rebatch because I think rebatching is more hideous than the soap I started with!

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Personally, it would depend on why the batches are "flubbed". If they are fugly batches....woo, I've got some of those!....or just didn't come out how you wanted them...you can definately rebatch them or shred them up to add to other soaps, etc.

BUT....if the batch is lye heavy because of a miscalculation, and unless I was 175% sure I knew my error to fix (like if I forgot an oil and therefore know what I need to add to make it right)....I'd not take the risk and toss it.

I also hate to waste it and toss it out.....a few one pound batches are no biggie for me....I had to toss a few 5 pound batches because of FO issues... now THAT hurt!

Just my opinion...


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I dont rebatch because I think rebatching is more hideous than the soap I started with!

A woman after my own heart LOL!

I'd chunk them up and make some whacky looks with embeds, cut them into sticks, logs or what have you, into blocks etc. ... or I'd just pitch the thing in total disgust (been known to happen too many times lol.)

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I've rebatched because of some seriously hideous fuglies only to get even more hideous results. I've got a friend who crochets "soap sacks" and have worked out a deal with her to use the soap in those for her gifts.

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