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Soy candle crystallized?

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Tonight I made my Chocolate Drizzle candle. I melted it too 185 and added in the color and fragrance, took it off the heat, stirred it for two minutes and let it set until 125, then I stirred a bit more and then poured. It's completely cool and I see little crystal type designs in my wax... What does that mean??


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Without seeing the "crystals" it's hard to say for sure what it might be but it sure sounds like frosting.

You'll notice the frosting more in your darker colored candles (can happen with ANY color though) and you can sometimes minimize the amount of frosting by lowering your pour temp. The frosting doesn't affect the candle at all except for appearance. The only way to really completely eliminate the visible frosting is to do dye free candles.

You will learn to embrace or pull your hair out all of the little quirks that soy wax has.

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