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double wicks

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I've NEVER double wicked as I've never had a container in which I've had to do so. Still don't (I just wicked up and it works fine), but my question is to those of you who do use double wicks, what is your determining factor in doing so and how do you know which wicks to use or when to double wick? TIA.

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I double wick for wide containers with higher melt point and harder to burn waxes. I have a 20 oz tureen that I double wick because a single wick would not reach the edges. There are some containers you could single wick that some people choose to double wick because the melt pool doesn't get as deep with two smaller wicks vs one big one. I *can* wick my 464 in an apothecary with one cd 22, but that doesn't mean I *should* lol... As for figuring out how big/small to double wick, well, you can guess based on the melt pool you usually get with a wick and then test from there.


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I usually have to double wick if using a higher melt point wax and a container 3 1/2 or larger and some odd shape container. Sometimes depending on the wax and FO I might be able to get a wide container single wicked. However, I usually don't like the flame width that one great big wick produces. JMO

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I just double wicked for the first time last night. My jar is 3 1/2 in. wide at the opening. I use 4630 wax. I use 44-24-18z wicks and since I didn't have a larger wick I decided I would try double wicking and it has burnt great today. :yay:

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