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Need help making a psoriasis hair treatment?


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I have psoriasis on my head, its usually not to bad but its HORRIBLE right now and I havent found anything that helps except prescription meds for it but since I dont have insurance and am not willing to pay $50 for a prescription shampoo I figured Id look for help on here. Lets see I have on hand sweet almond oil, olive oil, meadow foam oil, neem oil, babassu oil, coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter. I was thinking maybe an oil treatment or something since I need it NOW and dont have time to wait. Any ideas?

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I have it too. I found that pine tar soap as shampoo worked for me using it every other washing. The other days I use a medicated OTC shampoo. I also found that conditioners caused it to be worse. I need conditioner for my dry, dyed hair. I finally found one that does work made by Dove. I can no longer use hair spray as that made it worse too. The hair dye does not bother it in fact it helps it too for a week or so. Definately no mousse, hair gels or styling product for me either.

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Thank you, I will look into the pine tar. Odd question....I dont really know anything about pine tar but I read its a tar made from pine wood? Soooo that would make it vegan? Also for the time being, do you think it would be ok to apply something like neem oil directly to my scalp I heard neems good for it? Id be interested in making a pine tar soap but this is killing me now. Ive tried OTC shampoos and they dont work. I keep using T/Sal in hopes that it will help but hasnt. I dont use any hair products since its really dry/brittle/thin not to mention falls out like crazy....Im surprised im not bald lol. I only use conditioner 2-3 times a week if that. And RARELY blow dry my hair.

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I do believe pine tar does not have any animal products in it. I am pretty sure I am out of the soap right now but let me check I may have a few ends around. I will send them to you if I do. Here is a link that may help you out a lot. It has many things you can do for it naturally and also it explains what you can do for it. It does tell you to use neem for relief as well as some other suggestions to use. I really sympathize with you. Until I got mine under control I was about ready to shave my head. http://ezinearticles.com/?Itchy-Scalp,-Natural-Scalp-Treatments:-Using-A-Natural-Home-Remedy-For-Itchy-Scalp-Conditions&id=572440

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Oh thank you so much for that link. I swear im getting to the point where im ready to scratch my skin off. It must be driving my husband crazy at night, he can barely get to sleep at night then you have me digging into my scalp LOL I figure at least tonight I'll put some neem on it then maybe do a rinse with chamomile :D

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Great questions! My psoriasis is giving me fits lately. I've just finished up a bottle of Nizoral and hate to drop $16 on another little bottle of it. It does work for me, but I hate to use it.

Luckily, my psoriasis isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people. No real itchies...unless my scalp gets sweaty. BUT, I do get it around my nose, between my eyebrows, all along my hairline (and about 1 inch onto my cheeks), behind AND inside my ears. GROSS.

Thanks for the link, Sue. That was an interesting read....not sure why I never thought about SLS in the shampoo causing/worsening my psoriasis!

SO....where does one buy pine tar? Or better yet, anyone sell bars already made? I think read somewhere (Soapdish maybe?) that pine tar needed to be 20% of the soap recipe....true? I think I must go look for a shampoo bar recipe and see what I can whip up myself!

Excuse my random babbles...they happen from time to time.


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You can find pine tar at a feed and grain store or anywhere they sell stuff for horses. It is used for their hoofs. Make sure it is 100% pine tar. It is messy to make as the tar is very thick and sticky. I can send my recipe to you if you would like, Pm me your email addy.. I have many customers who use it. I will check down stairs and see if I have a few bars but I am pretty sure I sold out this past weekend. I will let you know. I also have a few customers that swear by emu/OO soap. A few have it on their face and hairline and did not want to use pine tar on the face. They have not had a problem with it since the started using it.

ETA I just went downstairs and I don't have even a sliver. Sorry. Guess what I am going to have to do tomarrow.

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Feed stores.....check. I'll remember to check next time we go in for birdseed for TDB (That Damned Bird).

Tell me more about this emu/oo soap!! I was just reading over at The Soap Dish and found a thread where someone mentions using castille. If castille is great, a bit of emu has to make it better, right? :wink2: What's a good % of emu to try? I think I have a few ounces in the fridge...... :D I've never soaped emu before. There is a lot of threads at The Dish for the syndet shampoo bars...but I'd sure like to NOT have SLS(a) for a bit and see if that helps. Wooo....looks like I'm making castille soap tomorrow! (Cuz I have to have some scented!)

Thanks, Sue!


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I have a customer with psoriasis on her scalp and she used my special formula soap I made for my sister with honey & oatmeal , She called me and said her psoriasis is gone...not sure if it is the recipe for the soap or additives here but I was happy for her.:)

Hope you find something that helps

Afriend of mine has suffered with psoriasis for years and has a cream called urea cream that is perscription strength from her doctor and she says her hands and feet are so pretty now and no psoriasis in mths

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thought this might help - Dr Gott is great w/coming up w/home cures for just about everything and this was in our local paper on Tues.

Treat psoriasis with home cures

December 8, 2007

ok so i can't get it to post so if anyone is interested in this info please pm me your e-mail adr and i will forward it to you


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  • 3 months later...

I add about 20% to what ever recipe I want to make. You can buy it here too http://www.aunthelens.com/ 4 ounces for $2.50

Here is the lye calculator I use for Pine tar soap (I just made some tonight). http://www.summerbeemeadow.com/SitePages/SBMSoapCalculators.html

It really smells aweful but after it cures I actually like it. A lot of people like it. And I don't scent it.

I started making it for a boy I work with that has psoriasis, and it has cleared it up. His dad had a rash and was using a prescription cream from the doctor and it wasn't helping much. He used the pine tar soap one time and it cleared it up.

LOL it looks just like a nice creamy fudge in the pot but sure don't smell like it. I melt my oils, add the lye and stir with a spoon. It only takes a few minutes to trace. A stick blender would be too much I think.

Here is the recipe I made tonight it ended up at 18.8 % Pine tar and that is OK

(superfated 3%) Just can't go to 0 yet lol

Coconut oil (76 degree) 8 ozs

Lard 8 ozs

Pine tar 6 ozs

Olive oil 3 ozs

Sweet almond oil 7 ozs

Lye 4.09 ozs

water 9.54 ozs

Total oils 2 lbs

Total recipe weight 2 lbs 13.6 ozs

Here is one I made last time

(superfatted 5%)

Castor oil 2 oz

Coconut oil (76 degree) 7 oz

Pine tar 6 oz

Olive oil 7 oz

Shea butter (unrefined) 5 oz

Sweet Almond oil 5 oz

Lye 3.6 oz

water 8.41 oz

Total oil weight 2 lbs

Total recipe weight 2 lbs 12.1 ozs

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