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Does anyone know if there is a place (wally world, craft store, etc.) that you can buy small tins? Or is this something that can only be ordered? I'm thinking of trying Michaels, but it's an hour drive for me so I figured I'd ask first to see if anyone has ever found any there.:D

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Natural Artisan has the tins becky. I just got back from picking up my supplies and she has seemless in all different sizes. Small lip gloss almost sized to big 16 oz ones. She sells them but they aren't on her site. Natural Artisan in Gonic, NH.

Very nice place and very nice woman, Laura is. :)

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Does the Natural Artisan have a store yet? I talked to Laura in October and she said they had plans to open a store around Thanksgiving time. I live only 6 miles from this place (the warehouse) but I never can get there! I rarely go north, so I am never going by. I agree that Laura is very nice.

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She has a showroom and there's stuff in there with prices on it. I'm sure if I wanted to buy some tins or something, she would have been able to sell them to me right there. I told her someone here was looking for tins today and asked her if she sells them and she said yes. :)

If you've never been there before, ask me and I'll tell you how to find her door. It's tricky. LOL Or ask her she could probably explain it better. I used to live in Gonic and passed that mill every day and never realized just how big it was. :)

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