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My wife's going to have my head anyways, but i need to know how to get wax up from the carpet... :shocked2: i knocked over my pour pot... luckily all that was left in it was the last of my second pour for my containers... any and all help will be greatly appreciated... TIA

Pack your bags and just exit left.......lmao.

Just kidding.



Are a few helpful threads

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My wife's going to have my head anyways, but i need to know how to get wax up from the carpet... :shocked2: i knocked over my pour pot... luckily all that was left in it was the last of my second pour for my containers... any and all help will be greatly appreciated... TIA

That is why there is a towel down on the kitchen floor :D

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I have actually had a candle run over onto my carpet before. I waited until the wax dried and hardened, got a paper sack, and iron on a low setting and went to town. It worked! If there is anything left over, try a spot remover on that.

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My wife's going to have my head anyways, but i need to know how to get wax up from the carpet... :shocked2: i knocked over my pour pot... luckily all that was left in it was the last of my second pour for my containers... any and all help will be greatly appreciated... TIA

Did you get it up? Do you still have a head? ;)


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place paper towels with newspaper on top ~ get your iron hot and gently run the iron over the newspaper, be very careful not to touch your carpet ~ the wax will melt and paper towels and newspaper picks it right up ~ LOL ~

that happened to me about a week after we had new carpet put in our home ~ the wax came right up and DH never knew it ~ LOL ~ until it happened to him one night ~ he couldn't understand why I didn't get upset ~ LOL ~ I decide it was time to teach him how to clean it up too ~ LOL


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I have also used coffee filters in place of the newspaper or paper bag, mainly because it was the only type of absorbent paper I happened to have at the moment. They worked fine.

I was a little hesitant the first time because I wasnt sure about the type of fibers in the carpet and how they would react to a hot iron. Some synthetics arent really....ironable.

Good luck, and put that towel down on the floor---youknow--to catch your blood....just in case:tongue2:

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