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Pay Pal Big problems


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I have a account with my bank for Pay Pal. Last year had a problem when I ordered something.Came up 0 balance.I did talk to someone and said all is fine on their end and I do have money and should receive orders too when I get some. Now I check with my bank still my same amount I put in and not the 2 orders(payments) I received last month or 2 that have been transacted.Shows the transactions of her 2 orders but NO money according to my bank and I believe that since I have heard Pay Pal can be a problem.

NOW I have e-mailed them 2 times and NO response.Just recent I said I want a e-mail and call back resolving this.Yesterday I just said I want some resolution NOW.No response back in 24 hours so now I want a call.

I have looked and looked on their site and it seems just e-mail us etc.NO telephone numbers to call. Can anyone help me with a phone number that I might reach them.You can do it private if you like.Remember this may be happening to any of you sometime in the future.I have a sales rep who was charged 2 times for same orders and she refuses to use them. This hurts business.

Thank You,


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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!!!!!!

I will let you know.I have talked to a friend(had a problem) who never found the number and also someone who only (buys.no selling) with no problems.

f this is not resolved I must go to CC direct and forget Pay Pal. When I talked to Pay Pal last year all was fine but like I said never received orders but now I am.


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Denise again thanks for the number.

happy paws You are right.Never transferred and bank never said the way it works. Below I got the answers as you mentioned.

Resolution resolved

Husband opened my Pay Pal account and we got a savings account at the same time. Seems like husband said we need to open a account with our bank for Pay Pal. Now he also has been expecting to see a added balance with our website with orders. When the bank said NONE we wondered.Now Our bank has over and over said they have no idea why it never got to them. Didn't because we never tranferred those payments. They have no idea I guess about Pay Pal or at least one person doesn't.

What I didn't know is I have a balance in Pay Pal account now( last year didn't when first transaction was tried). It was me ordering. A balance now with last 2 orders. I can now transfer that amount if I want to my Savings account at my bank. WOW with husband and bank not knowing I was confused. I am the one dealing with it and finding answers.

When I get more orders I will transfer from Pay Pal. After it builds some.

Would you believe 2 days of hassle????


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Sorry you went through that -- it seems to not be intuitive, because when you spend the money it goes straight from the bank (if you set it up that way) but when you earn money it doesn't directly deposit? It's really just a way for PayPal to make more money. :tongue2: When the balance is with them they make more money on interest.

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I'm glad to hear you say that, I ordered a paypal debit card just the other day to use when ordering online.

DH and I are thinking of nixing our debit cards with our checking account and only using checks to pay bills using cash for all other transactions. And I have already started cancelling all credit cards.

I hate to keep a much cash on hand, but with all the identity theft and fraud these days, I worry about using debit and credit cards.

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Sorry you went through that -- it seems to not be intuitive, because when you spend the money it goes straight from the bank (if you set it up that way) but when you earn money it doesn't directly deposit? It's really just a way for PayPal to make more money. :tongue2: When the balance is with them they make more money on interest.

This is just my guess.....PayPal is not a bank...not a financial institution....with that being said, I am under the understanding that it is a User Initiated system. With that, PayPal probably cannot just go dipping into peoples bank accounts without authorization. So the user of the account will have to log in and withdraw the money.

I sure don't want them to do it to mine to put money in it or take it out.

Hell, I have soo much coming out of my ppal acct anyway the money only stays in for about 24 hours.

I agree get a ppal debit card...I just ordered one today, finally after having my account forall these years.

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does the pay pal debit card work like a credit card or a debit card i started to fill out the form one time but thought it was more like a credit card you no like they run a credit check and charge your interest. i do not wont another credit card but a debit card would be great.

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does the pay pal debit card work like a credit card or a debit card i started to fill out the form one time but thought it was more like a credit card you no like they run a credit check and charge your interest. i do not wont another credit card but a debit card would be great.

the Pay Pal card is a debit card and takes the money immediately, directly from your Pay Pal balance. You can't use the "back-up" funding source when purchasing with your debit card (at least that's my understanding, we've never tried ~ only spend what's in there and available).

What's nice about the Pay Pal card is that if you use it "as" a credit card (i.e. at Walmart as a Visa instead of punching in your PIN number as a debit card), then Pay Pal gives you cash back. Not much, but every little bit helps, and it does add up!!

If you have questions, you can call Pay Pal at 1-888-221-1161 (call when you have time to wait though, I've never gotten "quick" service from them ~ usually have to wait online holding for awhile).

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Paypal offers both a debit/atm card and a credit card.

I just recently ordered my debit card there wasn't a credit check or anything for it. If you go to paypal's site and click on the products and services tab at the top of the page, you can get more info about both products.

If you get the debit/atm card your available paypal funds are used first, but you can choose a back up funding source if you exceed what you have available just like with your regular paypal account.



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Goodness, I can't imagine any financial institution just moving your money around without your authorization. I would guess at least half of the folks who use Paypal have more than one bank account, more than one name (personal and business, perhaps). To think Paypal would randomly pick somewhere to put your money is asking a bit much of them.

I adore Paypal. I'm convinced 99.99% of the problems people have are simple user error.

That said, never, ever, ever click on a link embedded in an email from Paypal. It's been said over and over, but people insist on doing it anyway. Bad move. The warnings are all over the Paypal site. This just seemed like a good place to stick another warning since there have been so many problems posted here.


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Goodness, I can't imagine any financial institution just moving your money around without your authorization. I would guess at least half of the folks who use Paypal have more than one bank account, more than one name (personal and business, perhaps). To think Paypal would randomly pick somewhere to put your money is asking a bit much of them.

I adore Paypal. I'm convinced 99.99% of the problems people have are simple user error.

That said, never, ever, ever click on a link embedded in an email from Paypal. It's been said over and over, but people insist on doing it anyway. Bad move. The warnings are all over the Paypal site. This just seemed like a good place to stick another warning since there have been so many problems posted here.



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lol. Anytime you need me to knock some heads together because you can't, just holler! I've been in your shoes, different company. It's kinda like a buyer hating Ebay after not having the sense to check feedback or shipping terms before bidding.


I am finally off the phones. woo hoo...doing what I like, accounting. What is funny is I did sign up for OT and the 2nd call I was like oh no I can't do this mess. I sent an email to cxl all the hours I had signed up for. NO more. I think I will write a book one day about my experience....that is how I will get rich...lmao

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