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ok, settle this, Best Soy Wax?

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in your opinions, for votives/Pillars, what is the best soy wax taking into account ease or use, Throw ability, quality, price, looks (frosting, cracking etc)

I have heard alot and searched a ton, and the brands i hear most are:

ecosoya 135

Cargil c-3

EZ Soy

Ky Soy


amongst a few

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From what I've learned, the best soy wax is the one you can walk in and buy at a good price, and not pay shipping for, and make "work" for you.

If you can access a local supplier, and walk in and purchase soy wax, then it's best to work with it, if you ever plan to sell your candles after extensive testing, for the profit thing. Shipping can cost almost as much as the wax, so who wants to pay that when you can buy almost double the wax for the cost of wax and shipping, if you have it shipped?

Cargill C-3 is Naturewax. They are the same thing. :)

But don't take my word for anything, because I haven't even made a candle yet, but have read tons on it though so this is what I've learned so far. :)

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It's like asking do you like pepsi or Coke. Everyone has their preference on how it works for them in theif facility with their jars and scents. I would suggest sampling all of them and see which one you like working with. Its like ice cream...got to try all 31 flavors vefore you find you favorite!:wink2:

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There is no such thing! You have the list of the most popularly used brands. See who has these closest to you and order 10# of 2 or three brands with which to experiment and find out which one YOU like best. No one can make that decision for you. Sorry.:undecided

BTW, NatureWax (a subsidiary of Cargill) C3 is a container blend, as is EZSoy. NatureWax makes a votive product, V1 and a pillar product, P1.

Researching the manufacturer's websites might help you to identify which are pillar & votive blends. Do your homework! ;)

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The best is the one you've tested to death & that works well for you.

This probably won't be the same as your neighbours choice or someone on the boards first choice, but if it works well for you then it's the best whatever it is.

BTW ecosoya 135 is a container wax....far too soft for votives or pillars.

Happy researching!


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Over in the other forum you said you searched for hours and found countless opinions. What good are more opinions going to do you? You know we're not about to settle anything.

There's no way around it. You have to do the work and take the risks and try things yourself, like everybody else.

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I have to say -- if there was one single "best" woy wax, that's what we'd all be buying..... but it ain't out there (excuse the grammar -- I'm making a point). Every single darned one is going to have something you like and something you don't.

We're not keeping the easy answer to ourselves - really.

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