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Soap molds


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Are there any instructions on how to make them? What size to make them etc.? Anywhere to buy them?

If you use a shoe box etc for a mold, how can you tell how much soap the mold will hold? I just used an ice cube container that I got at the dollar store and guessed whether or not it would be big enough and after I filled it I had some left over.

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I just bought my first wooden soap molds and picked them up in person today. I have to say, for the molds that I have seen, this person does an amazing job on his molds. If you want to check them out, you can find him on ebay. His ID is jazzyfrump. The guy's name is Jason and he is super friendly. He makes molds and cutters in all sizes and even custom if you want something in particular. I just bought 3 4-lb boxes and a cutter set and when I picked them up, just by asking, I ended up bringing home a 2-lb box as well for only $5 more. I highly recommend this guy to anyone looking for some really beautiful boxes!


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I found this online

How to build a "Basic" Wooden Soap Mold


This mold is a basic 3 lb. Mold.

The beauty of this box is the fact that the parchment paper fits perfectly in the box and the next day, the soap just pulls out of the box and peels off the soap very easily.

Note: This soapbox mold can hold 52 oz of oils, the water and lye with the lid sitting flush with the top. This will give you a finished soap size of 3 ½ x 2 ½ x (however thick you like to cut your bars)


Inside of box with lid sitting in front of box


Picture of the box without the lid on and parchment paper lined.

These boxes can be used for regular CP, CPOP (in the oven) and HP!


(1) 1 x 4 Board (the one pictured is White Pine)

(1) 1 x 6 Board (the one pictured is White Pine)

Nails or Wood Screws

Wood Glue

I make my boxes to fit Parchment Paper which is exactly 15 1/16th inch wide. You can make a box to fit Freezer paper, which is 18" long (your soap batches will need to be increased in size to get the final dimension of your finished product the way you want.

INSIDE dimensions are: 15 1/16" x 3 1/2" (Please note that a 1 x 4 board is actually 3/4" x 3 1/2")

1. Cut (3) pieces out of a 1x4 board: 15 1/16th long (this will be the lid, and 2 sides.

2. Cut (2) pieces out of the same 1 x 4 board: 5 1/8" long (this will be the 2 ends)

3. Cut (1) piece out of a 1 x 6 board: 16 9/16" long (this will be the base, note it will be the length of the sides plus the width of the end pieces) # Note: you can make the base longer and have a lip all the way around. I did.


4. Lid Handle: Cut a small piece from the leftover 1 x 4 board for the handle on the lid. You can also purchase a wooden dresser pull, or get fancy with a brass handle pull if you want. Just make sure you don't let the nail or screw be in contact with the soap in the box.

Putting it together:

Glue and Nail. Or use wood screws. See pictures.

You can take this basic model and change things around. Or make them out of hardwood too! If you want the lid to sit on top of your mold, cut a lid out of a 1 x 6 Board and make it the same length as the 1 x 6 base.

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