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lotion question


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Hi everyone,

I am totally brand new to B&B. I tried the soy candle thing for a while, but I think I've given up on that, I didn't have very good luck.:embarasse I figured I'd better do something with all the stuff I have in the basement before the DH actually kills me for wasting $$$$...lol.

Anyways, I ordered KY's soy whip, because I've heard good reviews, and I have tons of body safe FO's (because of the candle thing). But my question is, when looking for containers, is there anything I should know? Should I look for a specific type of plastic? I know with candles, some plastics eat up the scent.

Also, how thick is this stuff?(its not here yet) Can I put it in lotion bottles or should I go with the little tubs/wide mouth jars?

And 1 more thing, I have a ton of shea butter, could I add it to this? How would I go about doing that?

Thanks so much in advance,


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Hi, Jen---KY's soy whip is THE BOMB! I love that stuff. However, it is very very dense so will have to be scooped out and put in something that can be squeezed easily if you're using tubes (HDPE plastic). I put mine in round flat tubs and it's easily scooped out. It will have a bit of rubbery texture (that bothers some folks but not me) but it scoops out fairly easily. The effect of the whip on my skin is worth every bit of the effort of getting it out of the big jar and into a smaller container. I wouldn't add anything except FO to the whip as it may mess with the preservative already in it. Believe me, you won't need to add anything else to it. And speaking of FOs, since I buy this only for my own use, I put the FO in to my own particular liking, so I can't give you a specific measurement per oz or gram or whatever.

And welcome to the addiction!!!


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Thanks so much for responding, I'm very excited and can't wait to get started. The whip should be here tomorrow. :yay:

I am very lucky, I have a container supply house, right around the corner from me, so I will save a ton on shipping!!!:drool: Literally, a 30 second drive, lol. My jars will be available this afternoon. I ordered 2 and 4 oz to start, and I think they are poly-styrete(maybe? not sure about the spelling) and they are wide mouth.

Thanks again, and I would still love to hear what others have to say.


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