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Gluing Labels on Candles

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I'm new to this forum, so please bear with me. I am getting into the candle business after retirement. I'm making my own labels for my candles, using various colors of cardstock I have on hand. The labels look great and don't smear but I do have a question on the best glue to use to attach the labels to the bottom of the candle. I am using a glue stick and it seems to work pretty well, but I'm wondering if there is a specialized glue to use that might be available at craft stores. Thanks.

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Here is a link where this was discussed several months ago:


IMO that is too much work. If you are just starting and do not want to buy in bulk Staples brand labels are affordable and you can download Avery Design Pro for free to design your labels. Just print and stick.

Here is the link for Avery Design Pro: http://www.avery.com/us/Main?action=software.AverySoftwareDetail&catalogcode=WEB01&softwarecode=3200

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Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and advice. I really had planned on buying labels, but needed to have some in a hurry so I printed up a template on my card program. Worked slick, but I certainly can see the advantage of having labels designed for the job.

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