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J50 users..can it handle 9% FO load?

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Way back when I first started making candles, I played with J50 and ended up not sticking with it. I've recently started testing it again, and I'm just wondering if anyone has found that it will hold 1.5 oz FO per pound? Just curious. :)

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I don't know about the fo, but I used J50 for a year and just recently switched to GL70/30, because the wet spots in the J50 was just awful no matter what I did. But I always used 1oz pp and the scent throw was awesome. I liked that about that wax and it burned good but they were ugly candles, lol....I tried everything too.

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I tried using 1.5 oz pp last year with J50 just to see if the throw would be any stronger, and I got seepage. Not right away, it happened over a period of time. After the fact, I really didn't see a difference between using 1oz and 1.5 in the scent throw. If you use good quality oils, you shouldn't need any more than 1 oz.

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