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Soap Ingrediants..


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I have Sunflower oil..almond oil ( it does not say sweet almond oil)

Grapeseed oil..Extra Virgin Olive oil...coconut oil..kosher soy wax...

crisco shortening..( the butter flavor) ..silk fibers...lye

I have a 4# do right mold..

Do I have what it takes in oils to make a batch of soap?..

We are waiting for out co-op oils and butters..to come..

and I was wanting to try a small batch, if I have the right

oils to make a good one..Could some one advise me?

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You can ALWAYS make soap with something!:wink2:

Here's an idea for ya:

30% Olive

25% Sunflower

20% Coconut

15% Shortening

10% Almond

If you are going to use scent, make sure it's something that smells yellow since the Crisco has the butter flavor in it. It may come thorugh in the soap. Don't know for sure as I haven't ever used it.

It will be a bit soft at first, but should harden up quite nicely.

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Do you exchange crisco for an oil? like iof there were a recipe that called for a particular oil substituting crisco would be nice? or do some recipes particularly call for shortening?? and crisco is different than lard-right?

i always cook with olive oil and never have thought about all of these others! although I have a nice array of oils here now!!!

Lard different than crisco?

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crazycacti - yes, Crisco is different than lard. When formulating a recipe, either in soapcalc or soapmaker....look for Crisco or shortening.

8-GRAN....IMHO...*I* would not use butter flavored Crisco.

You can make perfectly great soap by what you can buy at the grocery store. Olive oil, soy oil (vegetable oil), canola oil, sunflower, safflower, coconut, lard, crisco....etc. There is a tutorial that shows you how to formulate recipes. A good place to start is 50 percent hard oils (not liquid at room temp) and 50% liquid oils. Run what you want to use through a lye calculator and see if it has the properties you want.


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Do you exchange crisco for an oil? like iof there were a recipe that called for a particular oil substituting crisco would be nice? or do some recipes particularly call for shortening?? and crisco is different than lard-right?

i always cook with olive oil and never have thought about all of these others! although I have a nice array of oils here now!!!

Lard different than crisco?

I used what she listed that she had. Grapeseed while a nice oil, has a very limited shelf life. My personal preference is lard as opposed to Crisco. That said, crisco can make a nice bar too... Any time you swap out one oil for another, whether it be a hard oil or soft, you should ALWAYS run it through a calc to make sure you have the correct lye for that particular oil.

Lard is pig fat. Shortening can be a number of things that are mostly vegetable. Although I have seen some with animal oil (fat) in them as well.

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For a well-rounded, basic bar of soap, I formulate like this.

1. Something for cleansing and bubbles: choose coconut, pko, or babassu.

2. Something for hardness: choose lard, tallow, or palm.

3. Something for conditioning: olive, high oleic sunflower, soy, canola, castor, and many others.

I have a basic, simple recipe in the recipe section of the forum if you need suggestions on quantities.

These are not hard and fast rules, but generally accomplish the job if you're not looking to make a special-purpose soap such as castile.


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Thanks everyone who has replied and PM me..It has been very helpful.

with the help of singleyellowrose and dejae...I started my first batch of soap,..I had my lye ready, and all my other oils ready, I had a jar of coconut oil... when I weighted it..It was 20 gms. less than what I needed. So I have been searching for some more coconut oil..and in my little town they just don't have much to choose from..so hopefully I can find some today..If not I will just store all this and wait for my co-op supplies to come..

So that is my story on my first soap...:D But it has not disheartened me...:grin2: I will get it made, maybe just not today..:undecided

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