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My candle is leaking!!

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I made candles out of a rectangular shaped, Halloween decorated, container. It holds 12 oz. of wax - I use 100% soy - I made 2 at a time so I melted 20 oz. of wax, added 3 color chips (black) and 1 1/4 oz. of Witch's Brew F.O. I always pour fairly cool @ 107F. I let the candles sit overnight and I noticed this afternoon that there are beads of oil - a lot - all over the top. The candles have a beautiful smooth top and no sink holes :D but I don't know where these beads came from. Did I use too much oil?? More important, what can I do about it??? If I blot them off will they come back? I did a test burn several days ago to test wicks but the color and FO was different. I normally would use only one color chip per lb of wax but I needed it to be really black. And it is.



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I've had that happen and just wiped it up and it didn't come back. The candle burned fine and smelled great. I guess if you wipe it off and it keeps coming back, you'll know it was either too much oil or the oil didn't incorporate with the wax enough.

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That's only about 6% so it shouldn't be too much oil, although I think Witches Brew is a heavy one.

You said you pour at 107° but at what temp did you add the oil to the wax? If you add at about 180° you shouldn't have any trouble. If you added your oil at too low a temp, it probably didn't blend thoroughly.

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Sounds like syneresis - "sweating." It happens for many reasons - heavy oil, too much oil, unincorporated oil, or environmental temperature variations. It isn't terribly unusual to see this in a fresh candle. If there are a LOT of beads, you can blot them from the surface. After a few days, as the newly poured candle hardens, it should stop.:wink2:

Even if you pour at cool temps, FO should be added (at least) at 150° or above while stirring thoroughly. Remember that the cooler FO will drop the temp of the wax, so keep heating and stirring for a few minutes before allowing the temp to drop to your pouring temp.

When you test burn, however, do be sure that the beads have been blotted from the surface before lighting the wick... This is one of the many reasons that each dye and FO combination should be tested separately with each different mold or container to ensure proper wicking - they don't all react alike! HTH :)

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