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Good Manly FO that has a bit of apple in it??


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Anyone know of one? The resort I supply to wants to now add a manly scent in soaps and lotions for thier guest rooms to go with the Apple Blossom for women. I don't know that I have smelled many manly ones...Apples and Oak maybe? (haven't smelled it..just sounds a bit more manly) Need a few different ones to try in tester batches of CP so they can pick what one they want. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!! TIA!

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Does it have to be apple? I don't know if the men would want to smell like their lady does. Not sure. Anything with sandlewood is a hit with men. They put sandlewood in many mens colognes. If you have to have apple, try to mix it with sandlewood. It would be good, and woodsy smelling.

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Thanks for the input! I did put a q-tip dipped in Sandalwood and a q-tip dipped in Mac Apple together in a zippy and actually think that one smells pretty good! Applewood? Hmmmmm. May have to do a 1# tester in that and see how it comes out. I did a few others together but not near as impressed....may try a few more today and see what I come up with! Thanks for the Sandalwood Apple idea! I am sure most men don't really want to smell like apple but this resort bases everything on apple because Apple is in their name. So they therefore want everything that is appleish/outdoorsish..LOL The womens scents are apple blossom...so they wanted something more manly but still has some apple in it for the men. Maybe i will also try 2 sandalwood q-tips and 1 mac apple and see how that smells....with just a tiny hint of the apple? Again thanks for all the input!

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Just thought I would toss in here that they may not be too crazy asking for an apple scent for men... DH ALWAYS wants something that smells like apple pie. I don't think he expects to smell like it all day- but wants to enjoy it in the shower.

And I think Applewood is a great name. The wood from apple trees is often used in curing and smoking meats. Did you try apple and cedar? Or apple and pine?

Also, I don't know if it's manly ENOUGH or not... but I recently tried a product that had Pumpkin Cornbread FO- and to me, it's pretty strong with apple- is NOT floral-y at all. It's at least unisex if not all out manly. Give it a sniff, lol.

:laugh2:Roflmbo.. ok that first paragraph sounds VERY hinky and 'American Pie-ish' :naughty: Didn't mean it that way....he always asks for it in a wax melt too, lmboooooooooooo

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