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It was a beary good weekend


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Well the weekend is over and time to ponder and reflect. Scented and myself just completed our first major 2 day outdoor show. There was over 30,000 people at this show. We did 6x our booth fee and get this....the show organization committee said we were already accepted to participate again next year. WOO HOO!!!!!!! :yay: :yay:

My god I never seen so many people in the booth. At one time I think I had 15 people in our 10 x 10 tent on Saturday. They came to buy and that they did. We had several customers from recently past shows come up and say they just loved the candles and our scented roommates. We had one particular candle that sold very well and I know my sister will probably be excited when she hears about it. LOL...We wouldn't have made it if it hadn't been for her ordering quite a few candles in that scent.

I know my whole body aches and I can't begin to tell how scented feels but it is all good. Just one of many reasons why I love that woman. :)


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Oh yeah it was a good show! I just keep saying mamacita over and over cuz everything aches lol. I will eventually forget about the funnel cake you offered to share Rockin that I never got to taste LMAO! Or that bag of cinnamon pecans you bought for me that I didn't get much of lol! It's all good ;) Two weeks to prep for the seven-show home stretch. Crossing my fingers we can get 'er done.

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Oh God yes! Now laugh with us cuz we'll be moving like we're 150 years old lol.

:tiptoe: Sweety grab that Aspercream or Ben Gay and rub it deep into your muscles. Do this after a long hot soak in the tub!

Then take two advil, climb into bed and sleep!:tiptoe: Are you walking like this? I could loan you my shepherd's crook to lean on for the day.

Just remember no pain, no gain and be happy it was only two days! I've got a FIVE DAY show coming up next year!:shocked2: LOL!

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