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M&P - Microwave vs Double Boiler


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When I first started making soap (my new addiction!)...I melted SFIC goats milk M&P soap base in a double boiler. I was super impressed with how well the soap lathered. I made about 6 bars like that and they all came out with good lather. Well, I decided to do things a quicker way and began microwaving the M&P base by covering the glass measuring pitcher with Saran wrap. I tried not to heat it too high and used the fact that there were still a few lumps in the melted soap as an indicator that it didn't 'over heat'. I'd stir and stir to melt those lumps. BUT...I'm noticing that the soap I've microwaved doesn't have very good lather. So, my question to the experienced Soapers is....in your opinion, is it better to use the double boiler method rather than microwave? I don't know what else could be causing the difference in lather. Can someone help?


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I never use the microwave anymore to make soap, I use a presto pot lol. I'm not sure if the micro could have an affect on the lather or not. My first instinct is to say no, it shouldn't, but microwaves have been known to cause far more problems than those, so it certainly wouldn't surprise me if that were the case either. Have you gone back to the double boiler method yet to see if you were able to get good lathering results again>? If you do, I'd be inclined to stay the heck away from the microwave and do what works! Good luck to you! :)

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I use SFIC bases and always microwave (not something I'm proud of, I'm just impatient :undecided ). Never had it negatively effect the lather, though.

I usually microwave on 50% for about 3 minutes, stir, then at 70% in 30 second intervals with stirring until it's almost all melted. When there is just a few chunks that won't melt, I blast it at 100% for about 20 seconds and that gets it all. The reason I don't leave chunks is because if you add color, you'll have a white spot when you (or a customer) goes to use the soap. It's nothing really, but I don't like to see that.

If you didn't get lather, and didn't add ANY other additives, then I am wondering what setting you microwaved on??

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I use SFIC bases and always microwave (not something I'm proud of, I'm just impatient :undecided ). Never had it negatively effect the lather, though.

I usually microwave on 50% for about 3 minutes, stir, then at 70% in 30 second intervals with stirring until it's almost all melted. When there is just a few chunks that won't melt, I blast it at 100% for about 20 seconds and that gets it all. The reason I don't leave chunks is because if you add color, you'll have a white spot when you (or a customer) goes to use the soap. It's nothing really, but I don't like to see that.

If you didn't get lather, and didn't add ANY other additives, then I am wondering what setting you microwaved on??

Oooohhhhh....see....I'm more impatient than you are! I've got my 3oz goat's milk bar all figured out......I zap it full power for 30 seconds and stir stir stir (gently though, so no bubbles!)...add FO, color and POUR. Average is about 1 minute total! ROFL. Now I feel like the Tasmanian Devil of M&P. ROFL!!!

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Thank you for the great responses! Hmmmmm....I think I'll try the lower power on the microwave and see if that helps. But from all your responses, it sounds like microwaving shouldn't have been a problem.

Oh!...quick thought......

Like candles, does weather have anything to do with how a soap turns out?...(more lather, less lather)???


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Food for thought.....

I'm using craft store (JoAnns Fabrics) liquid soap dyes (pending research on what I'd prefer to use). Could that be the problem? However, I've been using them with all the soaps...and it's just NOW that I'm getting little to no lather.

I'm using a pyrex measuring pitcher to melt in.

I'm using popcycle sticks to stir.

I'm using Glad containers (for molds) as well as Milky Way and Life of the Party brand molds.


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It depends on preference because I don't think using one or the other has any after effect on the soap. Remember that if you use different bases then of course you will get different effects. I prefer double boiler because I don't like rushing the process. I enjoy stirring it up and adding whatever essentials and there you have it soap! LOL Now, when I'm trying to make swirls then yes I use one portion on the stove and the smaller portions in the microwave. I started out however using microwave but its all about preference.

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Thanks for all the great help here! I'm back to report that when hubby turned the soft water unit back on yesterday (because he turned if off a few days ago for maintenance)...all of a sudden, my soaps are lathering again. We've got the hardest water!!! Well, this is GREAT! But now I wonder how my soaps would lather (or not) for others who may have really hard water.


Thanks again for all the input!

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