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GB 444 Wax

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Just curious what is your ratio to additive rate and how does it come out? Currently I am using 1 pound wax 1 TBS universal additive. I am just getting a feel for things i am thinking about going higher but trying to get a better grip of things.

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Because it seems like a huge defference between my samples with it and without it. side by side from tops to the burn the samples with more UA seem to do better. I dont know just seems my findings. using 444 without extra UA doesnt do very well for me at all.

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Using the extra UA does make a pretty candle doesn't it? I've tried up to 3T per lb, just playing around with scents that I couldn't get to throw in soy. It works but it's a bit--to figure out the wicking. I usually stick with 1 T per lb. And yes, I know 444 already has UA in it. No rule says you can't add more to tweak the appearance and the throw right? It also works great when blending paraffin and soy together.

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I use 444 straight out of the bag,,I have not seen any need to add anymore additives then it has already BUT it is a personal choice. If you want to try it then go ahead and test it out,,Nothing says you cant one way or the other. NO the 444 is nothing like the 464,,,the 464 does NOT have the best throw hot or cold as the 444 does,,,JMHO.:D

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I have been testing a lot was just getting a feel for mixing it. I have tried it many times out of the bag but cant ever get it to look right maybe its me but the tops look bad and the melt is clumpy like cottage cheese. With the extra UA it gives me a great looking top and the burn is more level and constant:confused:.

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I have been testing a lot was just getting a feel for mixing it. I have tried it many times out of the bag but cant ever get it to look right maybe its me but the tops look bad and the melt is clumpy like cottage cheese. With the extra UA it gives me a great looking top and the burn is more level and constant:confused:.

GREAT!! then go with it! If it works for you and you like your results and it burns well and you have a good Hot/cold Throw and a full melt pool then you have a great recipe. Right it down and you got a keeper!!! GOOD JOB!:yay:

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