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Palm candles at a dollar store!

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I went to my local Dollar Tree and was picking up stuff for the craft fair and as usual, went down their candle isle. Lo and behold, it appears they're selling palm in tins! Why?? How?? IDK.. It seems like two or three weeks ago we were all talking about how they shouldn't be mass-produced. Looks like they are... I was tempted to buy a couple but w/my budget already being pushed beyond the max, I just let it go...

Some of the wicks were off-center... They didn't claim to be palm wax... but they sure as heck looked like them.

Anyway , just a rant before bed.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I bought 3 - 3 X 3" pillars in a gift box, ribbon, plastic inserts for just under $7 Canadian. Which would be an awesome price for palm wax. Even for paraffin for that matter.

The tag said 100% Palm OIL.

Although there is no crystalization the wax looks....different than paraffin. They have great cold scent throw, perfectly centered wicks, very nicely made without any visible flaws. There were even lovely tags stuck on the candle to label them Lavendar and Gardenia. Not a cheap looking candle at all.

So what do I really have? Is there a way I can know if they are palm when I burn them? Palm wax is distilled from palm oil as I understand it.

Oh yes, box says made in China.

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Palm wax has different appearances. It can appear almost translucent, similar to paraffin, to highly crystallized. If the tag said the candle contained 100% palm oil, I think what was meant was that the wax was made from 100% palm oil with no other oils added (like cottonseed, etc.).

By varying the temperature at which palm wax is poured, one can achieve a WIDE range of final appearances! Hotter = more crystal formation; cooler = fewer or no crystal formation. It also depends upon the specific blend from the manufacturer - of the 8 palm waxes listed on this palm wax manufacturer's site, there is a wide range of appearances achieved.

The best way to tell whether a candle is made from palm wax is to read the label. The addition of palm oil or palm wax alone will not ensure the formation of crystals, or the crystal formation may not be the large type usually seen.

Oh-Myo, if candles are mass manufactured, such as the ones we see from China, etc., it is certainly possible for them to cost much less because of the volumes of wax they are purchasing!! I can ASSURE you that they are not paying the same price per pound as we pay!! ;)

This link describes how palm wax is made. HTH

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