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Help.... I made a huge mistake


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I made some soap today and just realized I left my castor oil out of my recipe. Ack!! I just hate these senior moments!! :mad: My recipe was supposed to be:

15% CO

15% PKO

15% PO

15% OO

10% Hemp oil

10% almond oil

10% RBO

5% castor

5% shea

14 oz GM

6.7 oz lye

2.5 oz FO

I followed this recipe with the exception of the castor oil. Can I save this recipe by rebatching it tomorrow and adding the overlooked castor at that time? Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. :)

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I tried running this thru a calc but don't know the size of your batch.

I put your oils in sooz using percents for a 2lb batch. Then I transferred those oz to mms. Sooz had the lye at 4.53 for a 2lb batch and MMS had it at 4.51 for 5% superfat batch. When I removed the castor the lye amount went down to between 0% and 1% superfat. Cindy is right, the GM may have been your saving grace here. There might be enough fat in the milk to kick you up to a little safer range. Don't forget to tongue test this one.


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Thank you ladies so much! I didn't think about the fat from the gm and am still new enough to soaping that I probably would have never thought of that. You guys are goooood!! Hopefully it will help or I will be rebatching this soap today.

This was a 3lb recipe and when I ran it through the sooz, I too got a 1% superfat - ouch! I haven't unmolded it yet but will do that today and give it the toungue test. I just wasn't paying enough attention and didn't have all my ingredients out on the counter that I was going to need like I usualy do. When I realized the mistake I made, the soap was already in the mold and had started to gel. That will teach me to pay more attention and to not deviate from my normal routine and have my supplies out in sight that I need to use.

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I have another question. When I first calculated this recipe using the Sooz calc., I didn't notice that they had "Goat Fat' on the chart in the very right column. When I made the calculations to see what they were w/out the castor, I didn't add in the gm and got a superfat of 1%. When you input your gm in the goat fat selection, would you input the total amount of gm used, i.e. I used 14 oz of gm so I would then input 14 oz of goat fat as well as the amounts of all the other ingredients? If I put in my recipe into the calc. with the addition of the gm, I get a suggested use of 15-22 oz of fluid and 8.31 oz of lye for a 5% superfat. Did I do this correctly when adding the gm into the calculations? If this is correct, I am still way of. :undecided Thanks again. :)

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