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Lime Crystal Kisses FOH


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I made some CP soap using this FO about 4-5 months ago. It was so strong it would just about knock you off your feet! I loved the smell. Anyway it has been sitting on the curing rack (just made a small 3# batch to test it out) Was moving soaps around last night and getting them wrapped for a show I have coming up. I picked up a bar of the Lime Crystal Kisses to sniff and NOTHING! Nada.....no scent at all! WOW....anyone else have this happen?? Good thing it was just a test batch and I had not wrapped and sold any....would be real embarassing to have someone say...Umm my soap doesn't smell anymore! :embarasse

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I do hot process and made a batch using this oil back in early May. I have a few bars of it left and got one out to use the other night. You can still smell it, but it is a lot fainter than it was. That sucks, cause it's a gorgeous scent. I store my dried soaps in paper lunch bags with the tops folded down, so they have some protection, but can still breathe. But maybe that's not the right thing to do, I don't know.:confused:

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Yea that is too bad because I just loved this scent and it was so so strong at first. I thought it was my sniffer at first but have picked it up several times in the past couple days and Nope...no scent left. Hadn't tried it in anything but soap....but now I know not to. Thanks for your input Carole and Carol!

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