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Palm pillar help..

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I have been making palm pillars for about two years and I have never had any problems with getting the pillar out of the molds. I opened a new bag of palm wax about two weeks ago and now I have all kinds of problems getting the candles out of the molds. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to try next? I have cleaned the molds, heat the wax hotter, poured hotter, poured colder, put the molds in the freezer,. I am at a loss on what to do next. I need to make 9 more pillars for an order and I can't get it finished. UGH.....

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Can't really help you. My palm waxes (two from candlewic and one from NU Scents) don't come out of molds. No matter what I try, The one from nu scents is a bit better but the crystal from candlewic is a real pain.

I have a strong BF and he blows with all his strenght in wick holes, bangs molds in his hands and then they come out.

I noticed it's worst in aluminum molds. The one in tin molds come out a bit more easily.


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I use the feathering palm wax from BCN and all I do is tip the mold upside down and the pillar falls right out. Never have had a problem with it.

I will have to get some to test.

Anyone else have any ideas on what I can try? I really need to get this order finished up.

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I am using NU Scents feathering palm. I bought 20 pounds of it ad I am in the second bag.

It's the same I'm using now, and as I told before it gives me less problems than candlewic's feathering. I believe palm waxes "bumps" in some spots (the crystal for example has the center of the crystals raised from surface) and so it gets stuck in the mold.

Sorry again, I'm at a loss as you and I can't be of any help. Good luck! And if you find the secret please tell it to me!

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Occasionally we have had one try to stick, so we just put it in the oven (set on warm - not over 200°) and allowed it to melt, then turned the oven off and let it cool there slowly.

I hope that the candle is just being stubborn and there are no dings in your mold... I dented the top edge of one once and ended up having to ditch the mold. Even after straightening, it would always either hang up the candle or leave a mark on it.:undecided

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Well, I cleaned my molds again and I started from scatch. Now, lets see if I can get them out of the mold tomorrow. If not I will be looking for someone who can make 9- 3 by 3.5 inch palm pillars for me so I can finish this order and I can get the problem solved. Now, I have never ever had any issues until I opened this bag of wax. I am almost wondering if it is just the wax itself. Who knows..

And those of you that make palm pillars scented lavender pm me so I have your information ahead of time. And if you want to give me a price for them and shipping to 48441 that would be great.

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I also use the Palm Wax from BCN and I've never had a problem. I don't use any additives what so ever and when I turn them upside down, they slide right out. I've found that they slide out alot easier if the outside of the mold is barely warm to the touch. I've never once had to bang or hit a mold to get the candle out.


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Well, I made three pillars last night and everyone of them were stuck in the mold. :angry2: I even used my new molds.. So I am thinking that there maybe an issue with the wax itself.

I am going to order some from BCN and see if this helps and in the mean time I am going to see if I can order the rest of the candles I need from someone on here.

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About a week ago I finally recieved an order of Feather Palm and Container Palm from Nu Scents. I have never had so many problems with Feather wax as I am with this! It's awful!:angry2: I have been using the Feather Palm from BCN and never had a problem with mold release. I did notice one thing. BCN's Feather wax is 5601-A. Their Granite Palm is 5801-A. I've seen this the same with other suppliers. I just looked at my order form and NS shows this Feather wax as being number 5801. Don't know if that has anything to do with it but when I called them all I got was pretty much " Oh well, better luck next time ". I am not happy!! Thanks for letting me vent!!

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