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I had a call today.............


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from a lady at a local private school, asking if I'd be interested in having a stall at their Michelmas / Christmas Fair this year.

I asked how she had found out about me (to see how my advertising is working) and apparently she typed in candle maker and my home town and I was first to come up, in fact the only one to come up lol.


1st thing, I've booked to do a 2day christmas fair on October 15th (my first one). It's a 2 day fair (£40) for both days. I've been so panicky about doing this, basically because I don't think I'll get enough or even think of enough stock to make by then and well 2 days...mmmm.... (I can cancel upto October 1st).

This one is at a posh private school (plenty of money going around probably) ;) Its only one day 10am - 2pm but still £40. I feel a lot more comfortable doing this one I think.

So, what do you reckon?

Thats good news, right? My advertising is obviously getting me out there, just wanted to share my good news :)

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Hi Yvette

Knowing that you're just starting out, if it were me I'd go for the smaller school fair rather than the large craft fair to begin with. Unless, of course, you thrive on a challenge. You sound, though, like you may be getting cold feet over the big craft fair

Get some experience in setting up a great display, selling dealing with stroppy customers in a smaller environment rather than going in at the deep end. You'd probably be more confident in doing a large fair after you've had some smaller ones under your belt.

Good work on your advertising though. Looks like you're starting to get some results from your hard efforts. Well done!


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gift baskets are a good idea :)

Ruby, yep I was getting nervy about the bigger fair. They are both school fairs. The only thing I'm worried about with the latest fair, is its only 10am - 2pm. Can I sell enough in 4hours?

But I'm thinking, anyone who can afford £5,000 p.a. school fees, will be able to afford a candle ;)

btw, the hardwork, wasn't just down to me, I had some outstanding help with it :)

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I agree with others above...go for the small show initially. I'm doing my first show at the end of next month and it's only one day. I'm looking at it as more of a learning experience and just hope to get my fee back. I've been working on stock this week and unforuntely everything I'm touching is turning to crap, lol. But hopefully I'm giving myself enough time for those type days (like today) that I'll get it all together by then.

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I think I'm going to cancel the 2 dayer and go for this one. I feel like a great weight has been lifted tbh, so thats made my decision really.

Candlemaking is a passion and a great joy. I don't want the hassle and worry of craft fairs to take any of that away. Besides, it sounds soooooo much more christmassy, mulled wine, carol singers, the lot ;)

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Michaelmas is named after the Archangel Michael and signifies the start of Autumn.

The school is a church school and has a long history, so they still celebrate things like this.

Going to be really christmassy with carol singers and mulled wine, getting quite excited now lol.

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