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Shampoo FO's and/or EO's


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Is it absolutely necessary to use EO'S such as Rosemary or Chamomile in a Shampoo?? Or is it like soap.... anything goes as long as it's skin safe.

I've just recently bought the Liquid Crystal Concentrate base by Stephensons, and I'm trying to figure out what to use as a scent for shampoo. I do make my own CP soap now, but have yet to venture as far as the liquid soap.

I hope this isn't a stupid question,:tiptoe: but I've been researching this for the last two days, and I'm not finding what I'm looking for, and my head is spinning!!! lol

Found loads of recipes for shampoo from scratch, but other than Rosemary or Chamomile they do list "fragrance"...

I have yet to buy Catherine Failors book... (it's on my shopping list...:D )

Any help would be sincerely appreciated.


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