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So I am a beginner who has made about 5 small batches-all currently in different parts of curing stage-so SUPER new!!

Was just ooking at everyones pics of there beautiful soaps

want to swirl

want to really bad!

So-can do with even a small batch-set a little aside when it hits trace-dump rest in mold-add food coloring, paprika, cocoa or what have you to other and then pour on top and drag a spoon through?

quick and easy?

any last minute facts should know?

assume have to move really fast!

what does anyone use for color-that would be in my kitchen?

have a few "candle" coloring things-but probably not soap material??


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If you are using herbs, take 3 tsp of the herb and put it in a small container with 3 TBS of warmed olive oil. Let it sit in a sunny window for a few days.

When you are ready to soap, strain it and use the colored oil. If you try to use the herbs straight, you get speckles rather than color and they can be scratchy. Cocoa powder you can add straight; remember that a little goes a long way.

The secret for me is to remove the soap for coloring when it starts to go opaque, before trace; it will be thin. As you mix in the colors, you can thicken it up with your stick blender, but don't let it get to thick, then go to work on the soap in the pot. I bought some cheap pitchers for this purpose and they work well. You can S/B right in the pitcher. To pour, hold the lid on, and pour high through the spout.



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I have to thank E for her coloring instructions, because a few months ago they accidentally caused me to discover the joys of pouring soap at thin trace.

My soap batches are only 3 lbs. I separated and colored a small swirl portion once the mixture was well emulsified but not yet tracing. Then it turned out I was dealing with a slow recipe. A very slow recipe. Couldn't stick blend the main batch because it would get way ahead of the swirl portion, which was too small for my hefty stick blender besides being in a squeeze bottle.

For over an hour the routine was whisk the bowl, shake the bottle, surf the net, whisk the bowl, shake the bottle, surf the net, LOL. :cheesy2:

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i just made an attempt-may do the shake the bottle technique next time

was to thin i think and did not advance much more-poured and did not really layer-but willhopefully have a nice swirl!

poured most in a large makeshift mold and some into little silicone molds

can't wait to check tomorrow!!!!!!!


thanks for input-may have more questions soon

thought on oil in window for a few days with herbs is great too!!

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