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Little Divas Costume Jewelry (pic heavy)


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So, if you see my bell below, I came up with an idea on what to do with my non-Christmas color beads. There are many jewelery makers out there that create beautiful and elegant jewelry for little ones. So, I decided to make costume jewelry for little ones. You know, jewelry they can have fun in without mom worrying that it is an expensive item and should only be used for special occasions. They are not fancy glass beads but my normal plastic beads used for my Christmas bells, using stretchy cord so they slip on and off easily :) I am not the greatest at picture taking though LOL!










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Those are very pretty and no metal clasps! I heard about a year ago not to buy the 'cheap' metal jewelry for children because they put everything in their mouth and some of the metal could have lead in it. Things like chains, clasps, balls and disks. Now, with all of the reports of lead in stuff coming from China, I think it's even more important. :highfive:

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I've let the baby mess with the bracelets, she is 17 months and they have held up so far :)! I do have a very small crimping bead covering the knot that is holding them together but it is super tiny and you can't see it in the pics but that is the only metal on it.


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