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What to blend with EO's for blemishes


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I have been doing a BAD Thing. I've been using a undiluted blend of peppermint, lavender and lemongrass EO's on pimples, etc. I usually just put it on a q tip and spot apply and it certain zaps the heck out of them! But I know it is not good and can cause a sensitization.

So what fixed oil can I blend it with? FCO? Should I just mix it with maybe some witch hazel with no fixed oil and just mix really well every time? What's the dilution rate?



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Check in the recipe section , sugarbee face and body wash

I use this with no eo's now and have been using this for about a (month without eo') with little or no breakout

I too have oily acne prone adult skin and this is the only thing that has hepled out of all the products I have used.

I decided to not use eo's because some of them can mimic estrogen - from what my neighbor has told me , I have been having female issues lately and have really been strict about what I use on my skin .

I was adding tea tree for a couple of months...not saying that this is the cause of my issues, but trying be careful .

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I think with lavender, you can get away with it somewhat, but peppermint's known to irritate even when diluted. I can't remember about lemongrass.

You should be able to use any fixed oil you like, really, though preferably ones that won't aggravate blemishes. FCO, hazelnut, jojoba (iffy, this one, some say it clogs), rbo, up to you.

If you want to mix it with witch hazel, you could maybe add some polysorbate 20 to the EOs so they incorporate properly, saving you the trouble of having to keep mixing it. Another water-based alternative to try is aloe gel. Maybe a mix of both? You could also add some strongly brewed calendula or chamomile tea or even a teensy bit of honey for added anti-inflammatory properties. Don't forget to add some preservative if you're planning on making enough to store.

A safe dilution rate is no more than 3%, if I'm not wrong.

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Check in the recipe section , sugarbee face and body wash

I use this with no eo's now and have been using this for about a (month without eo') with little or no breakout

I too have oily acne prone adult skin and this is the only thing that has hepled out of all the products I have used.

I decided to not use eo's because some of them can mimic estrogen - from what my neighbor has told me , I have been having female issues lately and have really been strict about what I use on my skin .

I was adding tea tree for a couple of months...not saying that this is the cause of my issues, but trying be careful .

I use the oil cleanse method and rarely have a breakout, but I use the oils if I feel one coming on.

I need a blemish solution for my son especially as he is 13 and just began oil cleansing and will probably purge.. . he has blemishes that need to be treated now as well.

But I did look at your recipe and had written it down three days ago! I have dry skin actually so overdrying tends to be my issue.


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surgarbee shouldn't dry your skin, I believe it could be great for all skin types being as it has honey and glycerin. I have no need at the moment to treat break outs using this method , I too used ocm for a while but after a while it seemed to not be as affective at keeping me from breaking out as my new recipe is...I think it is the honey in combo with the rest of the ingredients, my light oil in that is jojoba. You could add you peppermint eo to face wash.

You could do an after face wash toner, witch hazel, vinegar, splash of honey and infused with dried peppermint, then drain out peppermint in a week.

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