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Is this ok?


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I made a new soap recipe, it came to very light trace after 25 mins of SB it.

I poured it anyway to see. It is 1.25 days later. It doesn't look like regular applesauce, it looks more like baby applesauce. Less chunkie.

But, none the less, it still is extremely thin.

Can I put it back in a measuring cup and stick blend it more? Or should I heat it a bit more, what do you do? Is is just trash?

I would like to try and save it.

Its consistancy has not changed actually since I poured it.

What's a girl to do with it??

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I've had castile soaps take several days to set up (my kids found one of them after 24 hours, and trailed their fingers through the tops....:angry2: ). But most recipes, this isn't normal. But without knowing the details of your recipe, it's really impossible to tell. Can you share more details?

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It had many many things in it, I can't even remember where I found it or got it from. I like it because it helped me use up some oils I have and don't want to go bad, but here we go.

OO 5.5oz

Coconut Oil 6oz

Palm Oil 5.5oz

Grapeseed .7oz

Castor 2.2oz

Soybean 2.2oz

Mango Butter 1.2oz

RBO .7oz

ETA: It would only lightly trace for me, very lightly

Used 3.4oz Lye

6.6oz D/ Water

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My guess is that you made an error when you were weighing out the ingredients, since that formula should set up with no problem (over 50% solid fats, 34% lye solution). That's a shame, because it looks like it would make a nice soap.

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Dejae, has it changed any yet? If it's become a soft soap, it may firm up enough with time. If it's still like it was when you poured it, though, it seems likely that it was short on lye and will never turn into soap. The problem in that case is that you don't know how short you were on lye, so any kind of fix would be based on guesswork.

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Assuming everything is measured right...

Your call, but I wouldn't mess with it right away for fear of making things worse. I figure if it's a very slow recipe and maybe was barely tracing when you poured it, it might take a long time. I'd probably put it on a warming tray with a blanket and try to be patient.

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