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How much to take to a craft show?


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I have been reading for the past two hours the threads about craft shows. I try not to post if I can find the answer through past threads.

I may have over looked this- but I was hoping for some opinions on how much product to bring to a two day craft show. I have about 50 fragrances to choose from.

I read where some say it is best to stick to just a few scents (10 or 12) and a couple of jar sizes. Others stated to bring lots and lots of product with you.

I only have one space- the show is in two weeks. I have two display shleves and one table with a drape.

Looking specifically for suggestions on how many of the 50 scents should be taken. (let's say I only take twenty scents - then how many candles of any parcticular scent would be needed? - three? four?)

I know alot depends on the traffic of the show and if the customers are in a "buying mood" or "just looking" mood.

I'm interested in the opinions from more experienced crafters.



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That is the million dollar question.I use to take all 50 scents to the shows. Then I finally realized this is not worth it.I now am offering 10 scents.Votives tarts and jars. I will have most of my stock under my tables and display the rest on top. I am using shelves so I can utilize more table space.I will take 4 dozen of each, and 15 jars of each size. I offer 3 sizes. I live some what close to the show so that is where I will benefit.That is also a factor, and if you have some one who could run home and grab more. Also being a 2 day show you can bring more the next day. I am offering fall scents and the ever so popular vanilla and cinnamon. Try adding sesonal words to your scents like Boo Berry or Grave yard (vineyard). Just for fun. I hope this helps, it takes a long time to figure this out. And then I dont even think I have it figured out. Good Luck.

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Thank you for your reply. :) The hard part now will be narrowing down my list of scents to bring!! I'm a scent junkie!! I want to take them all! BUT- more than that, I want to have a successful show!

If anyone else wants to offer an opinion- I'd appreciate it.

P.S. I really like this board! You rock!! :D


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I personally prefer to bring more of a few scents than a few of alot of scents, it makes less confusion for the customer as long as you have a

nice variety of scents, spicy, foody, floral, seasonal, etc you should be o.k. and like previously mentioned with a 2 day show you can always bring more the 2nd day or take orders hope it helps some.


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I agree! Having too many scents just makes it harder for them to decide. Think how easy it is for you to decide if someone says 'pick between A & B'. If you suddenly add in, C, D, E, F, G, H....Okay, you get the idea, I'm sure. Basically, if you offer them too much selection, they are more likely to just toss their hands up, and walk away because they can't decide. Inevitably, someone will ask you for that one specific scent that you happened to have left at home. Simply offer it available to order. If they're local, offer free shipping or delivery.

I'm just as much of a scent junkie as the next person on this forum. But for my website, I purposely limit what I offer. I'll usually keep a small set of year round scents, our best sellers. And I let myself play every season with seasonal scents. I still get to feed my scent addiction, but I don't overwhelm my customers with too many choices either.

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