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For those who have tried Glass Glow and worked with other Palm container waxes...

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Have you noticed much difference in wicking? It took me FOREVER to get the wicking down right on my containers for palm, and I just ordered some GG and was wondering if you noticed major differences? I'm hoping they are at least within the same ballpark, but just thought I'd ask and get some feedback first. I know they make wicks especially for this wax, but like everything else, I've noticed pro's and cons in what I've read so far. I have thousands of wicks already, and would prefer not adding more, kwim? :undecided


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We have been testing CS frosted palm with great results so far....We have tried many different wick sizes including most of the HTP line of wicks. The best luck we have had so far is to double wick our containers using the CSN 9's from CS. We have gotten a good clean burn all the to the end of the jar with good burn times and very little sooting(I hate ac's....got to remember to turn it off when burning). I will be pouring the GG tonight with the Series 800 wicks from WickIt. Hopefully that will work out for that wax,but I will also pour some usning the double wicking method and CSN 9's for that as well. So far the double wicking has been great no matter the color added or the fo's used.....Yea! For some reason a successful single wick has eluded us....for now anyway.....drat,and I preferr a single wick. Oh well,guess we will go with what works for now.....


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I have tested several wicks in the GG and have found the CSN wicks work the best.

I use 2-CSN 11's or 12's for the 4" apothecary jars.

CSN 12 or 14 for the 12oz 2 3/4 hex jar.

I am also testing the 12oz status and have found the CSN 14 or 16 work best.

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