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Our local ladies auxiliary put one on a few years ago, but I wasn't directly involved with the planning. Nor was I making anything to sell at that time.

What I do remember is that the members had flyers done with an application form that we gave to anyone we knew who might be interested. I think we charged $20 a table and provided the tables. We also got our contact at the cable company to put it on the public service announcements as well as put it in the newspaper. Other than that, I really can't remember since it was a while ago.

We didn't have much success with it, but I'm trying to get them to give it another try. One mistake was not gathering enough info on other events going on that same Saturday. I also feel that there should have been more advertising and some more signs. Our post commander is a strange one, and he wouldn't let us put a sign out front even though we are on a major street--US 17--everyone has to pass it to get over the bridges to the beach! He had also stopped doing the monthly newsletter right about that time.

If I think of any other details, I'll post.

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I am doing my first little "fair" in Nov-in time for christmas. My thoughts were to print off some fliers-to leave in break room at work, will probably change my signature on my email a month in advance with info about it, thought would post in my housing development and put a blurb on Craigslist. Thought that might make a decent turn out-without overwhelming since it is my first and I am newer at this and don't want 100's of people!

Craigslist is free and it is amazing how many people use it! Post in arts and craft section and in events type section!

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I know there is lots of info. on this board and in the archives about craft show planning. Try using the search feature up top and you'll get lots of info and tips from past threads. I haven't searched for that info for awhile, but when I did I found many great posts...good luck, I know it's a really big endeavor!

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I am a member of a local VFW and I want to do a craft show for a fun raiser and I am looking for any help on how to set one up and advertise it.

Thank You

You might want to try contacting other chapters in your state to see how they are doing craft shows. Also, a great source is your local town Chamber of Commerce. They can definitely give you some ideas and may be able to help you too.

Good luck!

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I know there is lots of info. on this board and in the archives about craft show planning. Try using the search feature up top and you'll get lots of info and tips from past threads. I haven't searched for that info for awhile, but when I did I found many great posts...good luck, I know it's a really big endeavor!

I just did a search under "craft show planning" and there were only 16 posts shown and none with tips. Any ideas on what to put in the search box to get a better listing of posts?

thanks :)!


P.S. I am seeing alot of information on selling and being at a craft fair but nothing on actually organizing your own craft fair. Everything I am looking at online points you to buy a book lol!

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