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aroma beads...

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Hi, I swear I read the instructions on Doneen's site, but I keep on staring at my container with the beads in it from two days.. when they are dry, does it mean that the container is clear and clean (not oily) and they don't splash and attach on its sides? I don't know if I should wait again or add some beads. Do I have to touch one and feel if it's dry? eh eh I know it seems weird but never seen a thing like an aroma bead in all my life!


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when they are dry, does it mean that the container is clear and clean (not oily) and they don't splash and attach on its sides?

It can take even a week to absorb the fo. I found that thick fos take longer like vanillas. If you're using an oil you have to wick up on if you make candles, chances are it will take longer to absorb with aroma beads.

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Sure Judy, everytime I pass by the counter I grab the container and shake it as if it's a maracas!

That is too funny! Now get some music going when you grab it and that will make it all more fun! :laugh2: Sorry but you have to see what I envisioned! :D

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thanks, what I was wondering while playing my caribbean music with maracas:D , is that if I can judge without opening the lid. They move around when I shake them, but still remain sticked to the side of jar. No way I have to open and touch one to know how it feels!!

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When they are completly dry they will not stick to the sides of the jar. When they are being stubborn because of the FO then first I try sitting them outside on my deck in the sun for a while and if that doesn't work then I add more beads. Some scents I have used will be dry in about 4 hours and then others will take up to 3 days. And I have heard of some scents taking up to a week or more. :shocked2: HTH

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Yes, some can be very stubborn, Sabrina!

I made about six jars at one time, and some FO's took a couple hours, some took a couple days....and one has taken two weeks! (Peaks Cucumber Melon) I finally noticed that it has been over a week, so I added another tablespoon or so of beads. It seems to have helped, but I still have some sticking to the sides, so I may add a little more.

When I shake them and the sides of the jar are "clean and dry" without any beads sticking, they are done.

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One thing I just found to work today is setting them where they can get quite warm. It's in the 90s here and I made 10 pounds (1 pound in each scent) of beads last night. By this morning all but 2 were ready to use. Those last 2 were still like I just mixed them so I set them on my front door step where they could get warm from the sun... Within 3 hours they were completely done. I only went out and shook them 2 times while I was busy making other things. Try it, it might help. If you can't set them outside safely maybe on a windowsill facing the sun or in a barely warm oven. HTH

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Thanks everyone for chiming in! The beads are dry now, it's a matter of patience I guess! Here the weather is cold and humid, it rains a lot, so maybe in dry days they dry fast. anyway they are almost ready, now I found a little organza bag so i could try using them in the car for example. Thanks!

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