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Where to buy tin tie bakery bags cheap?

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I need the 1 pound and half pound kraft bag with window. Does anyone know a supplier that has both in 500-1000+ wholesale of each.

I have seen alot of sites that offer them but they are way to expensive, anymore than 10 cents a bag is too much. The supplier I used to get them from has gone out of business.

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Ok girls, You have to use the www.google.com search engine. It's the ONLY one I use to find everything I've ever purchased or wondered about. Forget the others.

You may want to search kraft tin tie bags, white tin tie bags, potpourri tin tie bags,etc.... tin tie bags with windows, etc.....

try this link: http://www.papermart.com/Templates/74-0-20.htm

I only ask for advice and "where do I find" AFTER I've done a Google search. If after searching and I find only high priced supplies or way high MINS., do I ask this forum what they "know". Which they know ALOT! But, do the search first. Google is GREAT for directing you in the right direction and giving you the websites. You never know, you may just fine what you are looking for! LOL

The internet is the great american highway to EVERYTHING!

I truly don't mean to offend anyone.....just do some leg work first....

Sincerely submitted,


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Ok girls, You have to use the www.google.com search engine. It's the ONLY one I use to find everything I've ever purchased or wondered about. Forget the others.

You may want to search kraft tin tie bags, white tin tie bags, potpourri tin tie bags,etc.... tin tie bags with windows, etc.....

try this link: http://www.papermart.com/Templates/74-0-20.htm

I only ask for advice and "where do I find" AFTER I've done a Google search. If after searching and I find only high priced supplies or way high MINS., do I ask this forum what they "know". Which they know ALOT! But, do the search first. Google is GREAT for directing you in the right direction and giving you the websites. You never know, you may just fine what you are looking for! LOL

The internet is the great american highway to EVERYTHING!

I truly don't mean to offend anyone.....just do some leg work first....

Sincerely submitted,


Papermart appears to be more than 10 cents each though, and the OP said she didn't want to pay even 10 cents each ....

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Candlelady, Thank you very much for your input, however I did google what I was looking for before posting here. As most of us do use search engines as well as the handy dandy search feature on this forum.

Owning and operating a candle business for over 10 years now I think I have done plenty of "Leg Work".

Geeze, I wouldn't want to ask other candlemakers a question on a candle forum again, I just might be considered stupid and lazy. But thank you for your response to this post just the same.

I am sure you did not intentionally mean to come off condescending and rude.

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Check one source - Nashville Wraps - .16 for the 1# and .13 for the 1/2#. But with my experience with them their shipping is a tad high. Did you want the lined or unlined bags? - that makes a cost difference. Will check with my friend tomorrow to see if she has other sources.

Hang in there about posting! I've been pouring for over 8 years now and there are some people who just jump to the conclusion that everyone is new and wants to be spoon-fed information. I think a lot of it has to do with the number of posts...small number must mean a newbie!

I've gotten into the habit of saying exactly what I've done and found no answer before asking my question. It seems to have cut down the " There's a wealth of information....use the search...." comments. I've even gone to my personal information and added the year I started. Hopefully someone would read it before treating me like I'm trying to get out of doing anything to help myself. My next step will be putting that info in my signature line.

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OK, a couple of things. First of all, I want to sincerely apologize to Funkymonkey66 for my outburst. Inexcusable on my part for sure!!!! Having bad days, weeks and months (family stuff). I've sent her a personal apology just so you all know.

Second, yes, newbie to this board, not to candle making or buying supplies (7+ years).

OK, Now I'll go and hide in a corner :cry2:

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