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Product for craft shows?


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Hello everyone! I'm brand new to the form and am looking forward to "working" with all of you. There seems to be a wealth of information amongst the members. I do have a question for you. I too have been thinking about doing a craft show as soon as I have the formulas figured out for the fragrances and wicks that I have. (I'm fairly new to candles as well)

My question is this, how much product would you say that I would need for a craft show. I plan on having between 5 and 10 fragrances in tealights, votives, container tins, misc glass containers for select fragrances and tarts. How much should I plan on making?

Thank you so much for the help and guidance. Take care,


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And with all those different things, that will probably be a long while away. ;)

Did that answer Chris' question?

Chris, I've heard a lot of different formulas for figuring what you will need. I think it is a given that someone will ask for something you don't have, so don't sweat it. I have heard $1 of product for every person expected to attend, or several of each scent and more of popular scents or a scent you are featuring. Another consideration is your space. You don't want it to be crammed with everything or so light on product that it looks bare.

As you work on your product line, figure out different ways to display it. Go to craft shows and critique the booths you see. Talk to people. Take notes. You will have a better idea of what you like and what you will need.

I won't make assumptions on how much time you devote to you chandling, but I will say that you only get one chance to make a good impression. You want customers but, more importantly, you want repeat customers.

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Some things to consider when figuring out how much to take.....

ask show director last years previous attendance and number of vendors...also ask how many candle makers/soapmakers

booth/table size also plays a large role in how much to take...the bigger the booth the more product...you want your display to be full but not crammed.....you can keep extras under the table (a long table skirt helps hide the clutter underneath)

don't take too many scents to your first show......helps keep problems to a minimum...take only your best sellers - usually seasonal scents but if possible try to have a variety (food, fruit, floral, clean types)

for my first show - I took 3 of every container (3 sizes) in 15 scents plus a box of votives (18 count)for both 2oz and 3oz in the 15 scents, and a few premade gift baskets and had plenty left to take home

most people will tell you to take whatever you can fit into your car - and remember you have to carry it all 4 times! (to the car, to the show, to the car, to the workshop)

Goodluck and keep us posted!

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