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Here's my new B&B logo - what do ya'll think?


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I truely hope that you posted this because you wanted honest feedback. This is my honest feedback, so please don't take offense. I think your logo is WAY too busy. Nothing flows. It's difficult, even with the image enlarged for me to tell what exactly is there. I think first of all I would get rid of the scrolling line thing at the bottom of the words. It looks quite out of place. Secondly I would try to figure out how to make the flower in the background be just that.. "In the background". It's too "out there" yet. Honestly I think I would either make it way less opaque or just get rid of that idea altogether. Often times less is more.

I like the way you have used two different fonts for Simply Soft, and Body Shop, and I think they compliment each other well. I'm not sure what that is on top of the words.. is it a line drawing of a woman? If so, that's a nice touch, but it doesn't stand out enough to really be a finishing touch, or even an integral part of the design, it's just kind of there with no purpose. I'm guessing you put it there because you loved it, and maybe it was even something special to you?? To my eye it's just kind of lost in a mishmash.

Again, I hope you don't take what is only my opinion in the wrong way. I think you have a good idea to start with the text.. The logo just needs some tweaking.

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For Prairie...

Good points, which is why I go to you gals! Have made some suggested changes to my GRAPHIC DESIGNER!:laugh2:

For Top...

Wrong! :laugh2: yes graphic designer, same one that did my candle webset. One must understand that when one contracts a graphic designer, such as myself, they, the graphic designer, follows the customers lead (that's my lead ya know). Hence, putting it here for you pros to offer your humble opinions. It's just rough draft and I'm appreciating the "honest" opinions. Truly!

No hard feelings what so ever! Thanks all!

Anyone else! Come on with your bad self!:yay:

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :laugh2::yay::laugh2::yay:



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