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curing cp soap - how to speed it up


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A friend just offered me space in her flea market booth to see if my soaps would sell. I have four batches curing and they won't be completely cured by then. Is there a way to speed the curing process up? TIA


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I don't know of any way of speeding up what already on your curing rack. How long ago did you make them and did you use full water or did you discount?

The only way I know to decrease your cure time is by discounting the water on CP.

Now, if you HP, you can use them within a day or so, but I would still wait a week-ish.


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I didn't use a water discount on these. I'll try putting the soap out in the garage. It has rained so much here will the humidity be a factor? The soap will be 10 days short of a full 30 days for the flea market.

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I didn't use a water discount on these. I'll try putting the soap out in the garage. It has rained so much here will the humidity be a factor? The soap will be 10 days short of a full 30 days for the flea market.

yes humidity can cause DOS

just keep them in a hot dry place

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Aren't these your first batches of CP soap?? Have you even tried them yet and had others test them for you?? I'm not sure I would be selling anything at this point in time without properly having tested them. I ended up giving away my soaps for several months before I settled on a recipe that was, in my eyes, perfected to my satisfaction.

That said, putting your soap in a humid garage is not gonna help them cure faster......it would basically hold in the moisture and could possibly cause DOS. I have a dehumidifier running 24/7 in my basement all summer long to draw out the moisture, to help cure my soaps. Of course, I take a heavy water discount also.

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I've given friends samples of the first few batches that I made and they really like them. Yes, I most definitely will use these soaps myself prior to selling them. I wouldn't want to sell an inferior or bad product thus making a bad name for myself and possibly casting a cloud on other soapers.

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Salli last month i was doing very big show in Toronto Ont And there was a vendor selling only soap in a log and some cut and he was telling his customers not to use it for four weeks i even got one and i ask him for ingredients and he told me what was in it by mouth and people were paying $ 6 for 1 or 4 $ 20 they dint care

So do the same

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I have found putting a fan on the soap helps to dry them a bit faster, in conjunction with a dehumidifier. I use an old dehydrator... BUT I disconnected the heating element (leaving the fan to circulate the air). All the dehydrator does is allow me to arrange them so the air circulates well on the plastic racks. I am in the process of converting a space in the basement that will use 3 box fans, a dehumidifier and racks. It doesn’t mean the soap is cured over night but does seem to shave a little time off, but mostly cuts down the risk of DOS I think. Of course I could just be running my electric bill up for nothing… but it makes me feel good so I’ll keep doing it.

My soaps seem to do best between 70F and 80F. Below 70F and the PH drops too slowly, above 80F and it increases the chance of rancidity (dos). This is just my opinion, well, I do compulsively check the PH… but about the DOS. Warm air is simply capable of holding more moisture than cold air.

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