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My wine palm wax candle


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Ok I finally got to test burn this baby!!!! lol pardon the wax drip on the topside! I do drip a little when I am pouring wax!!!!!:laugh2:

I used a CSN 11 wick!!!! I am happy with the results of the burning! I wanted that shell on the side to give off the glow on the sides of the glass!!!!!! The HT was good too!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the wine candle, I used left over wax from pouring, so there are 3 layers and 3 different scents top- cinnabuns, 2nd- lavender 3rd - happy man


I tried to get it where it was glowing LOL this is the second burn after 4 hours of burning


Same pic but different angle


In this pic, I blew out the wick and this is how it burn!


So far this burn was a success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now to test the rest of the candle!!!!!!!!! :yay: I will post the results here after I burned it all the way down!!!!!! Oh and the glass IS thicker than what it looks! Trust me I passed over so many beautiful wine glasses but they were too thin!!!!





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Very nice results!! Is there really a fo named "happy man"???? and is there such a living creature?

That fo is one of my many experiments LOLOL Actually it is my number 1 best seller! :grin2: and no not such a a living creature ......:rolleyes2 only in my dreams!!!!! :laugh2:

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thank you ladies! usually the first try is a "NEVER" for me :laugh2: I usually have to re-do!!!!!! I am burning it again now and it is taking the sides with it :rolleyes2 but it is still glowing!!!!!!! :laugh2: I love this wine glass and it didn't get as hot as I thought it would! Love those CSN wicks!

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Thank you sharyl and Cathy!

yes I did get lucky!!!!!!! whew!!!!! LOL

yea I had thought of the wine fragrances but my romantic moments is a big hit with the romance dept!!!

I hubby even loves that fragrance!!! Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!

On a nother post Vanilla was mentioned as a good one for men :laugh2:

I was thinking of doing just exclusive fragrances and not so many!!!! of course when valentine's roll around I have to make red and pink ones!!!! :grin2:

then I have to package the darn thing! any ideas?????? cello bag with a tie/bow?????

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