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M&P Mechanics Soap


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I made a mechanics soap out of M&P. I put fine pumice and fullers earth in it. It worked really well but doesn't really have a smell to it. I read here somewhere that an Orange EO also helps cut the grease, but I'm more interested in a good smell now that my recipe removes the grease. Any suggestions on what I should use? Should I put an FO in this or an EO, and what kinds would work best?

Thank you!

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MMMMMM it sounds like a GREAT soap... If you're into sharing your recipe I'd love to try it sometime!

I would try the orange EO. It will smell delicious! I buy my essential oils from Sanfranciso Herb Co. and a few other places. I can also get them locally at a couple of health food stores, although they are more expensive there for sure. It's sometimes worth it to try something first and not have to pay the shipping though.

I hope you post pics of that soap! Way to go! :)

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  • 1 month later...

I want to make mechanics soap but not M&P I do CP. I have pumice but no Fuller's Earth. Would just pumice alone make a good soap? I do have some Swee Orange EO but I don't know if it's enough I think it's like only a 1/2 ounce. Do you think 1/2 ounce would be enough or too much for a 2 lb batch?

How much would I add pp of oils?

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I want to make mechanics soap but not M&P I do CP. I have pumice but no Fuller's Earth. Would just pumice alone make a good soap? I do have some Swee Orange EO but I don't know if it's enough I think it's like only a 1/2 ounce. Do you think 1/2 ounce would be enough or too much for a 2 lb batch?

How much would I add pp of oils?

Coffee grinds, cornmeal, oatmeal and poppy seeds are all good. I doubt the orange would come through at .25 oz. I'd suggest .5-.75 and anchoring it with some litsea.


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