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Correct weight on FO & Wax? Need advice

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OK -

EZSOY w/ 8 oz. jelly jar containers.

I used the calculator on this website and weighed my the following:

8 oz. jar = 6.3 oz

8 oz. jar with water= 12.5 oz

equals 5.33 oz. of wax per jar.

then do the following calculation:

6% FO = 5.33 x .06 = .32 oz FO per jar

94% wax = 5.33 x .94 = 5.01 oz wax per jar

I have many 1 oz sample FO and I know they say you can use 1oz per pound of wax. Would it be safe to say I can use a 1 oz FO and mix it into a pound of wax to get 3 of these jars filled? (I may have a little wax left...

thoughts? Need input!

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OK - I just ran my first batch of candles and tested the following:

(3) 8 oz. Jelly Jar

6 % FO = Honey Cocoa Mango - used 1.1 oz.

2 yellow dye chips

15.03 oz. of EZSOY


- Poured wax from presto into my 2 quart pot pour to wait until the temp got to 125 degress before putting FO.

- I found that my thermometer took forever to get to 100 degrees. In fact, the wax was slushy and it was around 107 degrees and went ahead at that time and poured the wax into jars.

- Only was able to pour 2 3/4's of the jars as I did not have anymore wax from the one pound of wax I melted. I even scraped everything from the pot pour container.

Would you recommend I put more wax in to melt as a placeholder in the future?

Overall thoughts? Now I'm going to let them cure.. How long is recommended? I heard 2 weeks....

On to my second batch...


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I know what you mean about the thermometer getting to 100 degrees. My second batch that I made was way slushy when I poured it after feeling I was waiting too long. It seemed like everytime I stirred it to "marry" everything, the temp. would go up, up, up. This last batch I had to pour at 102 degrees because I didn't want it to be like that last batch.


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What problems occur with the candle if you pour the batch at 105 or 110 versus 100 into the candles? Does it cause any problems? I'm having a tough time waiting for the thermoter to hit 100. By then the pot pour that contains the wax is very slushy and it causes me to use a spoon to get it all out of the pot pour and then makes one of my candles a mess! Then I have to put it in the oven to even out.


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I don't use a thermometer any more. After I measure out my wax, I color it. Then after I blend the color, I add my FO and stir. I let it sit until it looks like it has hit the tomato juice consistency. I stir one more time very gently so I don't have any air bubbles and pour.

The worst that will happen pouring some soy wax too hot is you will get an ugly top that can be zapped with a heat gun to smooth it out.

One thing you might want to think about is using a pyrex measuring glass instead of a pour pot. At least with the glass, you can put it in the microwave for a few seconds to thin it out enough to pour.

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No, but BNC has... :)

your saying to only do one jar at a time and test it? hmmmm

You absolutely shouldn't be pouring and testing more than 1 jar at a time. Even though BCN has tested it, doesn't mean you will get the same results. If your candle has no throw and the wicking is too small/large, the other 2 candles are gonna give you the same results and then what?? You've wasted your wax and FO, because you will have to do another pour with a different wick and/or more FO and test again.

You do need to add your FO at 170 to 180........you added it at too low a temp. and that can cause the FO to not bind with the wax and possibly not give you a good scent throw.

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One thing you might want to think about is using a pyrex measuring glass instead of a pour pot. At least with the glass, you can put it in the microwave for a few seconds to thin it out enough to pour.

The glass measuring cup also has fluid ounces marked, so when the wax melts, you should know if you have enough wax to fill your 8 oz jar.

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