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Hey yall I am new to this but just wanted to introduce my self. I have been making candles for over 6 years now and was getting a little burn out. So i decided to try the soap thing we I have started out with mp which I do like. However I am very interested in cp soap making. Which I know nothing about is it hard to make? How long do you have to let it cure before you can sell it? Any thing anyone can add to this I would appreciate.

Also on my mp soap is it better to buy plain white soap an add other stuff to them like oils and herb? Or is it better to buy the mp with the oils already in them?

Any info anyone can contribute would be well appreciated.

Happy Soaping everyone. Oh yea one more thing this stuff is additive. lol


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Hi and welcome,

m&p looses its lather when you add oils to from my experience.

You can add herbs and fragrance though but need to look closely at recommended amounts..usually can be found at website where you get m&p base.

Read all you can about cp soaping ...a good site is millersoap.com, Has alot of good info there and it is a alot of fun when you get past the lye fobia.

You will need to learn to use soapcalc9 to formulate your recipe and never use another recipe unless you run it through the soap calculator to get the correct amount of lye and water.

There are some basic recipes on this site but again they will need to be run through the calc.

Not sure about the cure time but it is somewhere around 6 weeks i believe...

Curing time is to let lye cure out and there is a zap test to check for it. You wouldn't want to sell soap until lye is totally gone . hence, reading up on soap making is very important!!

I personally do hot process and the soap can be used same day but I still let it cure a few weeks

I was doing m&p until i tried my first hp soap and hubby said this is the best bar of soap I have ever used...so I am in the process of formulating another bar as i was not happy with the softness of the first batch and also the smell of the oils is throwing me...so off I go to the soap calc to create.

Remember research is the best tool.. It may take you a while before you feel comfortable starting cp soaping but it is so rewarding.

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Hey yall I am new to this but just wanted to introduce my self. I have been making candles for over 6 years now and was getting a little burn out. So i decided to try the soap thing we I have started out with mp which I do like. However I am very interested in cp soap making. Which I know nothing about is it hard to make? How long do you have to let it cure before you can sell it? Any thing anyone can add to this I would appreciate.

Also on my mp soap is it better to buy plain white soap an add other stuff to them like oils and herb? Or is it better to buy the mp with the oils already in them?

Any info anyone can contribute would be well appreciated.

Happy Soaping everyone. Oh yea one more thing this stuff is additive. lol


It is far better to buy MP soap and ADD the oils to it. If you are losing lather, you're doing it wrong! That's the simple truth! It's an art just as coming up with new recipes for CP and HP soap is. There is so much to learn about what you can and cannot do to get fantastic results! I make both CP and MP soap. I sell far more MP soap because it's a better bar without a doubt. It's "face friendly", moisturizing, and skin loving! The one and only thing I would say is a MUST for MP soap is to buy a good quality base to begin with. A cheap base can yield a crappy bar of soap nomatter what you do to it if you're not careful. It's much nicer to work with quality where MP soap is concerned.

I can't swirl MP soap to save my soul, and when I want to make a pretty bar of soap, I CP. I also have an essential oil soap that I CP that I love the recipe for and I make a loaf of it every few months and sell it to 3 people who are addicted lol! Other than that it's all MP for me. NOT to discourage you from CPing.. I think you should definitely try it! It's not hard at all. It's fun, and adds a whole new dimension to your soaping experience! You do need to let CP soap cure. I cure mine for 6 weeks before I sell, as do many folks here. CP soap mellows with time and becomes much more lovely~ it can be quite harsh directly out of the mold. Have fun with whatever you decide to do! And welcome to CT :)

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Thank you both. by the way I hear that PriarieAnn is the soap goddess of mp. lol i have read a lot of your post so i should but plain mp soap an add my oils to them. how much should i add pp. i want a pretty bar an i love the idea of using herbs in them.

one more question how much should i sell my bars for and what size bars sell the best. well maybe that was 2 questions. lol

i love making soap i stay up for hours and my spouse said he was going to have to get involved or he was going to loose me.....lol

God Bless


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Thank you both. by the way I hear that PriarieAnn is the soap goddess of mp. lol i have read a lot of your post so i should but plain mp soap an add my oils to them. how much should i add pp. i want a pretty bar an i love the idea of using herbs in them.

one more question how much should i sell my bars for and what size bars sell the best. well maybe that was 2 questions. lol

i love making soap i stay up for hours and my spouse said he was going to have to get involved or he was going to loose me.....lol

God Bless


LOL, I'm not any kind of soap goddess!! LOL. But I have been known to add everything but my grandson's cutie patootie to MP soap and I've learned a thing or two about making a nice bar.

I always tell people to start with 2T of additives per pound of base. If you are making a very small batch, this limits you quite a bit. I have always made at least 4 pound batches, so I have gone hog wild. You can add more than 2T pp, but it takes some time to figure out what combinations work and what combos don't.

It's fun to use herbs in soaping, although many things will turn black in soap. That's something to be aware of so you're not too shocked when it happens.

My bars for sale are approximately 4 oz. And I sell them for $5 per bar, however you may find that you will need to adjust pricing for your area. Have Fun and let hubby help lol, never know, he might enjoy it too :)

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You'll actually see me more in the B,B&C section, but welcome to CT! :yay:

I've never made any CP, but I did a lot of research on it before realizing lye came under the poisons act in this country :mad: Cure time seems to take 4-6 weeks, depending. HP soap has little to no cure time (just thought I'd toss out another option for you) but I think the results are slightly diff from CP as to looks. Not sure, some of the other techies might give you more info.

Someone here successfully swirled MP though, so it's possible! I can't quite remember who, it should be in the gallery.

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looks like your in time for the coop that is for MP. I have never done MP but think i will give it a go. I do cp and for me it is just a hobby. Most expensive one i have. I had to take all my soap making stuff to the basement because it took to much room up. A closet and a cupboard or two. I am starting to make cream soap too. I really like the feel of it. It take a couple of month to cure, or become mellow. You could use it a coulpe of days after but would not be as nice. It does cook. Careful it is addicting and you will want any and all the things that make a really nice bar of soap. Like silk and and and and You get the idea. Welcome have fun

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Take a look at the Co-op Announcements under the Marketplace section here...


As far as I know, it's when a bunch of us get together to order stuff from some place, so we can get bulk prices and things that we wouldn't be privy to if we'd ordered individually in small amounts. I've never participated in one, but I'm thinking about joining in this MP Co-op! It's the SFIC one. Apparently they're like, one of the creams of the MP crop :D

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Welcome to the OBSESSION!

I've been mp'ing for only 6 months & only done 3 cp batches, but it's all I think about. I think about when's the next time I'll have some free time, what FO to try, what color to use, how to package it for gifting, labels etc etc.... the list just goes on and on and on......And it's only a hobby for me.

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