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Still no foal BUT I got SOAP!!!

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This mare better foal soon I tell you, lol. wild_berries-1.jpg

Here are the last 3 batches I made since the weekend. The good news is I don't think I will be making any tonight as I think we are FINALLY truly close to seeing this foal. I think tonight will be it. First one is "Very Berry Explosion" second one is Spearmint ( I LOVE the smell of this one!!!) and the 3rd is the one I made last night "Romantic Interlude" (dried rose buds on top, like I have time for any kind of romance while on mare stare :rolleyes2 Spearmint-1.jpg


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My favorite is the Very Berry Explosion! I like the look of it.. The rest looks great too!

I can NOT believe that mare hasn't foaled yet.. OMG woman, are you going nuts waiting? I was just thinking yesterday that you probably had a new baby that you were adoring and just hadn't had time to post about it yet lol!

Good Luck~ I hope it's tonight!!

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:P :p :P This is now my permanent face. I expect the nice young men with a white jacket for me to come real soon if she doesn't have this foal. I went to work today with having 2 hours of sleep and it looks like an all-nighter tonight. I am so glad I do not have any mares bred for next year, at least I can REST next summer.
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Oooh! Foal! I'd love to too! :yay:

We don't really have farms here, not the horse and cow type, at least, so it's always been fascinating for me... of course, like every other girl, I love horses. I used to ride my ex's horses at the polo club, was going to learn polo, but we ended on pretty bad terms. It's sad for me cos he doesn't ride his horses, so they're just sitting in the stables :( His groom rides them for exercise of course, but still. One of the horses died recently... some sort of arthritis that made it too painful for him to even stand, much less walk. He was my favorite, so my ex's dad called to inform me about it. Seems they tried to call me to be there when the vet put him down, but I missed it.

RIP Kompatido :(

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