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Wax suppliers in Minnesota?

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Anyone familiar with a wax supplier in the Twin Cities or metro area? I've been ordering wax from BCN but would love to not have to pay so much in shipping costs now that I'm ready to move ahead and will be needing larger quantities. For reference, Solas is fairly close to me but not an option for wax (as far as I know). Thanks!

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Hey neighbor!

Not sure which wax you are looking for specifically but there is small candle supplier that is located just a bit North West of St Cloud. SUPER nice people to work with. They don't offer many waxes though, mostly just Enchanted Lites soy container and votive/pillar, a straight paraffin recommended for containers, a straight paraffin recommended for pillars/votives, and beeswax. Might want to check 'em out if you are looking for any of those types. I know they are in the middle of building a new shop and investing more into the candle business. Maybe they'll start increasing their wax options... Takes about an hour to get there from Maple Grove. Gotta love 70 mph interstates :grin2:http://www.waxhouse.com/

There is also a supplier in Truman, MN (which I believe is about a 2 hour drive south of the cities). Also a soy carrier (not EL though, Naturewax and Golden Wax which I think is referred to as GB a lot - don't quote me on that though) and beeswax, not sure about paraffin. http://www.northstar3c.com/ccp/

There's a couple for you to take a look at... HTH

It would be AWESOME if we could get Solas to start carrying waxes in addition to their fragrance oil line. They are located right here in the cities - Brooklyn Center I think!! :wink2:

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I picked up 150lbs of wax from the Waxhouse on Tuesday been my EL supplier for years. They're very nice people to work with and have a great Rose FO, that we use for our sachet cards. The Spice FO is really nice too for a fall/holiday fragrance.

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Just to note, I've been watching the suppliersbystate link and going through it, and quite a few of those links have been outdated. :(

We are moving to MN next year and was trying to look ahead for paraffin. Not too many options.

Something I was thinking about, BCN is in Ashland which is sorta the state border of WI and MN. Depending on where you are in the state, it might actually be really beneficial to order from them and drive a few hours. I figured from where my home is going to be is a 5 hour each way drive that costs about 80 bucks in gas total. Shipping on some cases of wax runs more than $100. So if I can get a big order rounded up, it will save me several hundred dollars in shipping for that drive.

So if you are in/near the Twin Cities, it's about 7 hours round trip.

It's a long ass way, obviously, BUT if it saves you a few hundred bucks, it might be worth it moneywise, if you have the time. ETA: And the car with the space for it! :) Go Subaru Baja!

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Thank you so much for the suggestions! Waxhouse says it's in Cold Spring, which is only about forty-five minutes from me. I hesitate to change the wax I use since I'm set in my ways, but maybe when I'm up in St. Cloud next I'll head over and pick some of their straight paraffin for containers and give it a try.

I would LOVE it if Solas started carrying wax! I love their FO's so if I could get wax there too I'd be a happy girl.

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